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I beileve the awnser would be Sedimentary Rocks because you know that if Igneous rocks are weathering, they turn into sediments. And if the sediments are squeezed or stuck together it would make a sedimentary rock. And the rock particles are sediments.

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1mo ago

Sedimentary rocks are formed when layers of rock particles, such as sand and mud, are compressed and cemented together over time. This process typically occurs at the bottom of oceans, lakes, or rivers, where the particles accumulate and solidify into rock.

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Q: Rocks that form when layers of rock particles are squeezed or stuck together?
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What are rocks that form when layers of rock particles are squeezed or stuck together?

Sedimentary rocks form when layers of rock particles are compacted or cemented together over time. Examples of sedimentary rocks include sandstone, shale, and limestone.

When layers of sediment are squeezed together to form rocks it is called?

When layers of sediment are squeezed together to form rocks, it is called lithification. This process involves compaction and cementation of sediment particles to create solid rock formations.

How do layers change into rocks?

Sediment layers are squeezed from above by the weight of overlying sediment, causing compaction. Compaction squeezes out air and water between the sediment particles. Minerals form as the air and water is squeezed out, cementing the particles together, and forming sedimentary rock.

What is in sedimentary rocks?

a type of rock formed by layers of sediments that were squeezed and stuck together over a long time

When layers of sediment get squeezed together they make this rock type called?

When layers of sediment get squeezed together, they form a rock type called sedimentary rock. This process, known as lithification, involves the compression and cementation of sediment particles over time. Sedimentary rocks can include materials such as sandstone, shale, and limestone.

When layers of sediments Are Squeezed Together To Form Rocks Is Called?

It is called sedimentary rock.

How do small particles form sedimentary rocks?

Sedimentary rocks are formed by the layering of materials, as new layers are added, they compress the lower layers which eventually physically adhere together.

What are the particles in sedimentary rocks called?

Sedimentary rocks are made from particles called sediment. They are made from layers of sediment (small particles) on the bottom of rivers or seas. The sediments are compressed as more layers build on top of them. The particles then become cemented together to form solid rocks. The layers of rock are called strata. Sedimentary rocks have a grainy structure and they easily crumble.

What types of rock are form when layers of rock particles carried by wind and water are compressed and cemented together?

Sedimentary rocks are formed when layers of rock particles carried by wind and water are compacted and cemented together. Sandstone, shale, and conglomerate are examples of sedimentary rocks formed through this process.

Which rocks result from compacting and cementing particles together?

Sedimentary rocks are formed from the compaction and cementation of particles such as sand, silt, and clay. These particles are deposited in layers over time, and the pressure from the weight of the overlying material squeezes them together and binds them with minerals forming sedimentary rocks.

What is formed from layers of tiny particles from weathered rocks?

Detrital sedimentary layers.

How can igneos rocks become sedimentary rocks?

Igneous rocks can become sedimentary rocks through the process of weathering and erosion, which breaks down the igneous rocks into small particles. These particles are then transported and deposited, forming layers of sediment. Over time, the pressure and compaction from the overlying layers can cement the sediment particles together, creating a sedimentary rock.