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1% of glucose- no color changes

1% sucrose-no color changes

1% xyxlose-black

1%starch-light white


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1mo ago

Nylander's test is used to detect reducing sugars like glucose in a given sample. A positive result in the Nylander's test indicates the presence of reducing sugars, including glucose, causing a color change to give a brown or red precipitate.

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Q: Result of Nylander's test in glucose?
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In glucose what is the result of fehling test?

In a Fehling test, glucose results in a red precipitate of copper(I) oxide. This reaction occurs when glucose reduces the blue Cu(II) ions in the Fehling reagent to form a red precipitate of Cu₂O.

What is the glucose test result of streptococcus faecalis?

Streptococcus faecalis does not typically produce glucose tests as it is not a main carbohydrate metabolizer like other streptococci. It is more commonly associated with fermentation of mannitol.

Biochemical test results for proteus vulgaris?

Biochemical tests commonly used to identify Proteus vulgaris include urease test (positive result), indole test (negative result), motility test (positive result), citrate test (negative result), and carbohydrate fermentation tests (positive results for lactose and sucrose, negative result for glucose). These tests together help in confirming the presence of Proteus vulgaris in a given sample.

Why starch does not give with fehling test?

Starch does not give a positive result in the Fehling test because starch is a polysaccharide made up of glucose units linked together in a way that does not allow the formation of free aldehyde or ketone groups required for the Fehling test to detect reducing sugars. Since starch is a larger molecule, it does not react with the Fehling reagent designed to detect the presence of smaller reducing sugars like glucose and fructose.

How do you prove there is glucose in a sample?

You can use a glucose oxidase test strip or a glucose meter to detect and measure glucose levels in the sample. Alternatively, you can perform a chemical test like the Benedict's test or Fehling's solution test to confirm the presence of glucose based on color changes.

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What color is positive test result for glucose?

A positive test result for glucose is typically indicated by a color change to green, orange, or red, depending on the specific test method used.

Do glucose give a positive result for anthrone test?

Yes, glucose gives a positive result for the anthrone test. The anthrone reagent reacts with the carbohydrates present, including glucose, producing a blue-green color that can be detected spectrophotometrically.

Would glucose give a positive result with the Biuret test?

No, glucose would not give a positive result with the Biuret test. The Biuret test is specific for detecting proteins, not sugars like glucose. It works by reacting with peptide bonds in proteins to form a colored complex.

What test that would be able to distinguish between glucose and ribose?

Benedict's test can distinguish between glucose and ribose. Glucose will give a positive result by forming a colored precipitate, while ribose will not react with Benedict's reagent, remaining clear blue.

Will albumin give positive result to Benedict test?

No, albumin will not give a positive result to the Benedict test. The Benedict test is used to detect the presence of reducing sugars such as glucose, fructose, and maltose, not proteins like albumin.

Does starch gives positive result for Benedict test?

Yes, starch does not give a positive result for the Benedict test because starch is a complex carbohydrate composed of multiple glucose units linked together in long chains. Benedict's reagent is used to test for the presence of reducing sugars, such as glucose and fructose, which can reduce the copper ions in the reagent, causing a color change. Starch does not have the ability to reduce the copper ions in Benedict's solution.

Why is the Benedict test not exclusive to glucose?

The Benedict test is not exclusive to glucose because it can detect the presence of reducing sugars in general. This means that it can also detect other reducing sugars such as fructose, lactose, and maltose, in addition to glucose. The test relies on the reduction of Cu(II) to Cu(I) in the presence of reducing sugars, forming a colored precipitate.

What are the Benedicts test results for glucose?

Benedict's test is a simple chemical test used to detect the presence of reducing sugars like glucose in a solution. The test result is positive if a brick-red precipitate forms, indicating the presence of reducing sugars. If the solution remains blue, it indicates a negative result.

What tablet is dropped into a test tube of urine to test glucose?

A glucose tablet is usually dropped into a test tube of urine to test for glucose. The tablet contains a substance that reacts with glucose in the urine, causing a color change that indicates the presence of glucose.

What is a glucose blood test for?

To test for the amount of sugars (glucose) in the blood.