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ionizing radiation

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Ionizing radiation.

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Q: Radiant energy sufficient to remove an electron from its orbital level of an atom is called?
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What is auger effect?

When photons of sufficient energy are incident on a surface, an electron is ejected out from the core shell. The electron from the p-orbital or any other orbital of higher energy loses that much energy to fill up the gap created by the loss of this core electron. The energy lost by the p-orbital electron is absorbed by another electron in the same or higher shell, causing it to eject from the atom. This second atom is called the "Auger electron" and the effect is called Auger effect.

What region is an electron most likely to be found called?

The region in an atom where an electron is most likely to be found is called an orbital. Orbitals are defined as the three-dimensional spaces around the nucleus where electrons have the highest probability of being located.

The probability map for an electron is called?

it's an orbital

What is the space occupied by the electrons called?

they are called electron shells or sometime orbits. there are 32 electron shells. this is also called the electric cloud in the modern atomic model.

What is the 3 dimensional region around a nucleus called?

The 3 dimensional region around a nucleus where an electron is likely to be found is called an electron cloud or electron orbital. This region represents the probability of finding an electron at a particular location within the atom.

A particle that is negativity charged and found in a atomic orbital is called a?


How many outer orbital electrons are found in Sodium?

All of 11 electrons in sodium are in different electron orbitals: 2 electrons are in 1s orbital, 2 in 2s, 6 in 2p and 1 in the 3s orbital. (This last one is the so-called valence electron)

A three-dimensional region around a nucleus where an electron may be found is called an?

an orbital. there are two electrons in each orbital, and groups of orbitals make up shells

What is penetration effect?

Penetration effect refers to the phenomenon where electrons present in inner atomic shells have a greater probability of penetrating through outer electron shells and interacting with the nucleus. This results in stronger nuclear interactions and affects the electron configuration of atoms, especially in heavy elements.

The region outside the nucleus where an electron can most probably be found is?

The region outside the nucleus where an electron can most probably be found is the electron cloud or electron orbital. This region represents the three-dimensional space where there is a high probability of finding the electron based on its energy level. It is described by quantum mechanics as a probability distribution rather than a defined path.

What is the region around a nucleus where an electron might be found?

The region around a nucleus where an electron might be found is called an electron cloud or electron orbital. It represents the probability of finding an electron at a specific location based on its energy level. The electron cloud is a three-dimensional representation of where an electron is likely to be located within an atom.

Why is the s-block called s-block?

The s-block is named based on the electron orbital it represents. The electrons in this block occupy the s orbital, which is a spherical shape. This s orbital can hold a maximum of 2 electrons.