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Scientists' published work is not supposed to be published until another scientist working in the same field has been through it and checked it errors of all kinds. There are many ways in which this basic checking procedure can be circumvented or avoided altogether.

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It is essential for scientists to report their observations and results truthfully to maintain the integrity and credibility of their work. Falsifying data or information can lead to incorrect interpretations, wasted resources, and damaged trust within the scientific community. Transparency and honesty in reporting findings are fundamental principles in scientific research.

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Q: Quality of scientists requiring that they always report their observations and results truthfully?
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Quality and accuracy are not important to scientists.?

No. Quality and accuracy are incredibly important to scientists. If an experiment is not performed with quality and accuracy it is not valid. However, if accuracy is not especially important, possibly because the result will be the same, then it can be ignored.

What are qualititative observations?

Qualitative observations are based on qualities, characteristics, and properties of an object or phenomenon, rather than numerical data. These observations use sensory information to describe attributes such as color, texture, shape, size, and smell. They are subjective and can involve interpretations by the observer.

What do scientists do to receive suggestions and criticism of their research from other scientists?

Scientists typically submit their research findings to academic journals where they undergo a peer-review process. Other scientists, who are experts in the field, evaluate the research for its accuracy, significance, and methodology. The reviewers provide feedback, suggestions, and criticisms to help improve the quality of the research before it gets published.

What did the scientists at Nexia Biotechnologies do?

The scientists at Nexia Biotechnologies worked on developing transgenic goats that produced spider silk proteins in their milk. This innovative approach aimed to create a sustainable and cost-effective method for producing high-quality spider silk for various applications such as textiles and medical devices.

Which term is defined as scientists comparing their results with others and checking for accuracy?

Peer review is the term defined as scientists comparing their results with others and checking for accuracy. This process involves other experts in the same field evaluating the quality and validity of a research study before it is published.

Related questions

How do quantitative observations differ from qualitative observations?

quatitative observations have to do with QUANTITY and qualitative observations have to do with QUALITY.

Why do food scientists taste food during observations?

Taste and smell are two of the best tests to determine the quality of a product. These senses are well developed and can often give a better understanding of the problem than a laboratory test.

Who improved the quality of riced?

scientists did

Who improve the quality of rice plants?

scientists did

What is the answer to mmoq?

Multi-medium observations of quality Or preferably, Mickey Mouse on Quaaludes

Quality and accuracy are not important to scientists.?

No. Quality and accuracy are incredibly important to scientists. If an experiment is not performed with quality and accuracy it is not valid. However, if accuracy is not especially important, possibly because the result will be the same, then it can be ignored.

What are quantatative observations?

Quantitative observations are those which can be measured and/or calculated and expressed in numbers.Example: When you weigh something, you get a measurement which indicates the quantity, rather than quality. You can say that a woman weighs 60 kilos, that is a quantitative observation. Saying that she is beautiful is a qualitative observation, "she has the quality of beauty." Also, quantitative observations are objective while qualitative observations may be subjective. To a colour blind person, a rose may be grey, but put it on a scale and it weighs the same for him as it does for a person with normal colour perception.

What causes scientists to be concerned about the quality of lake water?

High levels of nitrates.

How does the atmosphere limit astronomical observations?

The atmosphere blocks certain wavelengths of light from reaching telescopes on the ground, which affects the quality of observations. It also causes distortion and blurring of images due to turbulence and temperature gradients. This limits the resolution and accuracy of astronomical observations made from Earth.

What did Social scientists call people to obtain their views on the quality of healthcare in their city?


What has the author Lee E Dunbar written?

Lee E. Dunbar has written: 'Statistical analysis of water quality data, 1973-1982' -- subject(s): Analysis, Observations, Water, Water quality

In colonial Virginia a proposal for a law requiring tobacco to be graded according to quality would have been submitted to what group?

the king's Privy Council.