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Q: Protein synthesis is a process whereby?
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What is protien synthesis-?

Protein synthesis refers to the process whereby the the biological cells generate the new proteins.

Why does all bacteria ppeform protein synthesis?

All bacteria do perform protein synthesis because it is the process whereby the amino acids are linked together to form the proteins by using the mRNA as the template.

What is protein synthesis-?

Protein synthesis is the process by which proteins are made in the body.

What is the process that constructs protein?

Protein synthesis or translation.

What process is RNA used for?

Protein synthesis

What is the process by which a protein is constructed?

Protein synthesis, also known as translation, is the process by which a cell makes proteins. It involves the decoding of mRNA into a specific amino acid sequence by ribosomes. This process requires tRNA molecules to bring the correct amino acids to the ribosome, where they are linked together to form a protein.

Why protein synthesis?

Protein synthesis-growth====its the process in how we grow, how characteristics are brought out in us e.g. an enxyme in your stomach digests protein. If protein synthesis didnt produce this we wouldntdigest protein. Same goes for everythng else.

What cell process happens the ribosomes?

Protein synthesis.

The ribosomes is organelle that functions in the process of?

protein synthesis

Which process is the frist step of protein synthesis?


This is the process whereby a protein assists in simple diffusion?

Active transport

What does the ribosomes function in?

Protein synthesis is the process done by ribosomes. Ribosomes provide surface to synthesis.