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Polaris is located over Earth's axis of rotation, hence, the reference point for earth's latitude system.

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1mo ago

Polaris is used as a celestial reference point for Earth's latitude system because it is located almost directly above the North Pole. This means that it remains relatively fixed in the sky as the Earth rotates, making it a reliable reference point for determining one's latitude in the Northern Hemisphere.

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Q: Polaris is used as a celestial reference point for earth's latitude system because polaris?
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If Polaris is 20 degrees from your zenith what is your latitude?

Your latitude is 20 degrees north of the equator because Polaris is located at the celestial north pole, which is directly above the Earth's North Pole. This means that the angle between Polaris and your zenith corresponds to your angular distance north of the equator.

At what latitude would an observer on earth find the altitude of polarris to be 37 degrees?

37 degrees north latitude

To an observer on a ship at sea at which latitude does north star appear closest to the horizon?

The North Star (Polaris) appears closest to the horizon at the Earth's equator (0° latitude) because as you move away from the equator towards the poles, the angle of Polaris above the horizon increases. At the North Pole (90° latitude), Polaris is directly overhead.

If you were standing at the earths north pole which would be located in the zenith?

If you were standing at Earth's North Pole, the North Star, also known as Polaris, would be located directly in the zenith, or straight overhead. This is because Polaris is situated very close to the celestial north pole in the night sky.

What does the earth have that allows the latitude of an observer on earth's surface to be determined by measuring altitude of Polaris?

The earth's axis of rotation is tilted relative to its orbit around the sun, causing Polaris to align with the earth's axis. When an observer measures the altitude of Polaris above the horizon, they can determine their latitude because Polaris' altitude corresponds to the observer's angular distance from the North Pole.

Related questions

If Polaris is 20 degrees from your zenith what is your latitude?

Your latitude is 20 degrees north of the equator because Polaris is located at the celestial north pole, which is directly above the Earth's North Pole. This means that the angle between Polaris and your zenith corresponds to your angular distance north of the equator.

What is the altitude or polaris in utica?

43 degrees because the altitude of polaris is equal to the latitude of utica.

At what latitude would an observer on earth find the altitude of polarris to be 37 degrees?

37 degrees north latitude

To an observer on a ship at sea at which latitude does north star appear closest to the horizon?

The North Star (Polaris) appears closest to the horizon at the Earth's equator (0° latitude) because as you move away from the equator towards the poles, the angle of Polaris above the horizon increases. At the North Pole (90° latitude), Polaris is directly overhead.

If you were standing at the earths north pole which would be located in the zenith?

If you were standing at Earth's North Pole, the North Star, also known as Polaris, would be located directly in the zenith, or straight overhead. This is because Polaris is situated very close to the celestial north pole in the night sky.

If you were located on the Earth's equator and were observing the nighttime sky you would find the North Celestial Pole lying at on your?

The North Celestial Pole would lie on the northern horizon if you were located on the Earth's equator and observing the nighttime sky. This means that Polaris, the North Star, would be right at the horizon.

What does the earth have that allows the latitude of an observer on earth's surface to be determined by measuring altitude of Polaris?

The earth's axis of rotation is tilted relative to its orbit around the sun, causing Polaris to align with the earth's axis. When an observer measures the altitude of Polaris above the horizon, they can determine their latitude because Polaris' altitude corresponds to the observer's angular distance from the North Pole.

What were three methods of determining latitude and which one was the most accurate?

Three methods of determining latitude are celestial navigation using the altitude of the sun or stars, measuring the angle between the horizon and the North Star, and using a sextant to measure the angle between the horizon and a known celestial body. Celestial navigation using a sextant is considered the most accurate method for determining latitude.

Why Polaris is considered to be very satisficant star even through its not the brightest star in earth sky?

Polaris is considered to be a very sanctification star is because it is closer to the north celestial pole. This is the brightest star in the earth's sky.

How do you measure latitude by polaris?

To measure latitude using Polaris (the North Star), you would need to use a sextant or astrolabe to measure the angle between the horizon and Polaris. This angle would be equivalent to your latitude in the northern hemisphere. The higher Polaris appears in the sky, the closer you are to the North Pole.

What is the angle between the zenith and North celestial pole if you are at 37 degrees latitude?

The angle between the zenith and North celestial pole at a latitude of 37 degrees is equal to 53 degrees. This is because the North celestial pole is located at an altitude above the horizon that is equal to your latitude. Subtracting this from 90 degrees (the angle between the zenith and the horizon) gives you 90 - 37 = 53 degrees.

Why is determining latitude easier than longitude?

Determining latitude is easier because it can be measured by the angle between a celestial object and the horizon, while determining longitude requires measuring time accurately to calculate the time difference between a location and the prime meridian. Additionally, longitude lines converge at the poles, making longitude measurements more complex.