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Banana and Mustard

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4w ago

Carrots (root and greens), beets (root and greens), and radishes (root and greens) are examples of plants where both parts are commonly used as food. These plants provide a variety of nutrients and flavors from both the root and leafy parts.

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Q: Plants whose 2 parts are used as food?
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What parts of plants can be used for food?

The parts that is used for food is the leaves,root,stem etc.

What are 2 plants whose leaves you use for food 2 whose stems we use for food and 2 whose roots you use for food?

Leaves: Lettuce, Cabbage Stems: Celery, Parsley, sugar cane Roots: Carrots, Potato (although not a true root), radish Seeds: Rice, wheat, corn Flowers: Cauliflower, broccoli

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An edible plant is a vegetable.

When are underground parts used as drug collected?

Best collected October to February, when the plants are more vigorously storing food in their underground organs.

What are plants stems used for?

Tubers and rhizomes of many plants are used as food

What plant use?

Plants are used for food, paper, and cloth. Plants are used for food, fiber, Fat, shelter, medicine and for aesthetic purposes.

When are plants used for food?

All the time

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What is plants that is used to make food?


How are plants used as food?

becuse you eat it..

How is photosynthesis a constructing process?

Photosynthesis is a constructing process because it converts carbon dioxide and water into glucose, a simple sugar that serves as the building block for more complex organic compounds. Through the process of photosynthesis, plants use sunlight to produce energy-rich molecules that support their growth and development. This energy is stored in the form of chemical bonds in glucose, allowing plants to build and repair tissues as they grow.

Is photosynthesis a constructing process?

It is used as a food making process for plants. It "constructs" food for plants that is why its a constructing process.