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Lewis and Clark Botanical Discoveries:Antelope Bush Aromatic Aster

Aromatic Sumac


Bitterroot (1806)

Black greasewood

Blue Flax

Breadroot (May 5, 1805)


Bur Oak

Broom Snakeweed

Canada Milk-vetch

Common Horsetail

Common Juniper

Common Monkey-flower

Cottonwood tree (June 12, 1805)

Creeping Juniper

Curly-top gumweed

Dwarf Sagebrush

Eastern Cottonwood

False Indigo


Fringed sagebrush

Golden currant

Gumbo evening primrose

Indian tobacco

Lanceleaf sage

Large-flowered Clammyweed

Lewis's syringa

Lewis's wild flax

Long-leaved Sagebrush

Meadow Anemone

Missouri milk-vetch


Needle-and-thread grass

Osage orange

Pasture sagewort

Pin Cherry

Ponderosa Pine

Prickly pear cactus

Purple Coneflower

Purple Prairie-clover


Raccoon Grape

Red false mallow

Rigid Goldenrod

Rocky Mountain Beeplant

Rough Gayfeather


Silky Wormwood

Silver-leaf Scurfpea


Spiny Goldenweed

Thick-spike Gayfeather

Western Red Cedar

White Milkwort

Wild Alfalfa

Wild Four-o'clock

Wild Rice Wild Rose

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1mo ago

Some of the plants discovered by Lewis and Clark on their expedition include prickly pear cactus, sagebrush, Western red cedar, and serviceberry. They also encountered a variety of wildflowers, such as lupine, arrowleaf balsamroot, and indian paintbrush.

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