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Q: Photosynthesis organisms are usually
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What organisms carries photosynthesis?

Plants are the most recognized organisms that perform photosynthesis. However, certain kinds of single-celled organisms can also use photosynthesis, such as cyanobacteria.

What process usually begins the flow of energy through life?

Photosynthesis the process used by plants and other autotrophic organisms to convert light energy, normally from the sun, into chemical energy that can be used to fuel the organisms' activities

How does photosynthesis help organisms survive?

photosynthesis helps organisms survive by providing them with oxygen to breathe.

What kinds of living organisms can use photosynthesis?

those organisms which contain chlorophyll can use photosynthesis

Organisms that are not capable of photosynthesis?

Some examples of organisms that are not capable of photosynthesis include animals, fungi, and certain bacteria. These organisms obtain energy by consuming other organisms or organic matter.

What organ isms can carry on photosynthesis?

autotrophs, usually plants or some fungi.They are called photoautotrophs. Fungi never photosynthetic organisms

Do organisms obtain energy from photosynthesis?

Yes, photosynthesis is what converts the light energy from the sun into the usable chemical energy that organisms use.

What do you call the organisms that can do Photosynthesis?


What are organisms associated with photosynthesis?


Are plants the only organisms that do photosynthesis?

no they are not

What do you call organisms the can do photosynthesis?


What kind of organisms photosynthesis?
