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Photosynthesis is the creation of carbohydrates, by plants, using water, carbon dioxide & sunlight; chlorophyll also needs to be present, but isn't actually used up - it acts as a catalyst

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4mo ago

Photosynthesis is a process in which plants, algae, and some bacteria convert sunlight into chemical energy stored in sugars (carbohydrates). This process involves the absorption of light by chlorophyll in chloroplasts to drive the conversion of carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. It is the foundation of the majority of food chains on Earth.

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13y ago

Yes, it is true.

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Q: Photosynthesis is the putting together of carbohydrates by using light energy?
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What is true of the role of carbohydrates in photosynthesis and cellular respiration?

Carbohydrates are made in photosynthesis. it is burning in the cellular respiration.

How do you say photosynthesis?

The literal meaning of photosynthesis when it is translated from Greek is "putting together or creating light". When it refers to putting together light, it means converting light (from the sun) to energy the plants can then use. Photosynthesis is a very important plant process that gives life energy.

Where did the word photosynthesis originate from?

The word "photosynthesis" originates from Greek words: "photo" meaning light and "synthesis" meaning putting together. Together, the word describes the process by which plants and some microorganisms convert light energy into chemical energy to produce their own food.

Where is the energy in photosynthesis stored in?

It isinthe carbohydrates. As chemical energy format.

The process in which autotrophs use light energy to make carbohydrates is called what?

The process in which autotrophs use light energy to make carbohydrates is called photosynthesis. Chemosynthesis is the process by which some organisms use chemical energy to produce carbohydrates.

Where do you think energy is stored durning photosynthesis?

Energy is stored in carbohydrates. It is storing as chemical energy.

What energy source for animals is produced from photosynthesis?

The main products from photosynthesis for animal diet are carbohydrates.

How getting carbohydrates energy?

The energy contained in most carbohydrate molecules ultimately originates from photosynthesis in plants. Most carbohydrates thus get their energy from the sun.

What is the Process in which plants use the energy of sunlight to make high energy carbohydrates?


What is the process in which plants use energy from the sun to build carbohydrates?


What is the process by which plants trap the sun's energy to buld carbohydrates?


What do the prefix and suffix of photosynthesis mean?

The prefix "photo-" means light, and the suffix "-synthesis" means putting together. So, photosynthesis means the process of putting together using light, which refers to the process by which plants and other organisms convert light energy into chemical energy in the form of glucose.