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Q: Photosynthesis and respiration are alike in that they both?
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What do photosynthesis and respiration has in common?

Photosynthesis and Respiration both occurs and plants and both produces oxygen.

How are photosynthesis digestion alike?

If you mean respiration, they are reverse processes of each other (sort of).

Does photosynthesis and respiration both produce carbon dioxide?

No, they do not both produce carbon dioxide. Photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide to produce oxygen and glucose, while respiration uses oxygen to break down glucose and produce carbon dioxide as a byproduct.

How is digestion and respiration alike?

Digestion and Respiration are alike in term of the fact that in both of them oxidation of food take place.

Why plant cells undergo both photosynthesis and respiration?

Yes. They use photosynthesis to produce sugar from sunlight, and cellular respiration to digest the sugar for energy (ATP).

How is aerobic respiration similar to photosynthesis?

Both aerobic respiration and photosynthesis involve the exchange of gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide). Both processes require the use of electron transport chains to generate ATP. Additionally, both processes involve the creation and utilization of a proton gradient across a membrane to generate energy.

How do the processess of photosynthesis and cellular respiration work together?

both of which are released into the air during respiration. And during respiration, the plant needs oxygen and glucose, which are both produced through photosynthesis!

Do plants use photosynthesis instead of respiration?

Plants use both photosynthesis and respiration. During photosynthesis, plants use sunlight to create energy (in the form of glucose) from carbon dioxide and water. Respiration, on the other hand, is the process where plants break down glucose to release energy for growth, repair, and other metabolic activities.

How is cellular respiration similar to photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are both cellular processes organisms use to obtain energy.

What product of photosynthesis is needed by both plants and other organisms for cellular respiration?

The product of photosynthesis needed by both plants and other organisms for cellular respiration is glucose. Glucose is a sugar molecule that serves as a source of energy for living organisms. It is produced during photosynthesis in the chloroplasts of plant cells.

How is cellular respiration and photosynthesis similar?

Cellular respiration and photosynthesis are both fundamental processes for living organisms. Both involve the transformation of energy, with cellular respiration breaking down glucose to release energy and photosynthesis using sunlight to produce glucose. Additionally, both processes involve the exchange of gases, with cellular respiration releasing carbon dioxide and photosynthesis utilizing it to produce oxygen.

What are the main similarities between cellular respiration and photosynthesis?

Both cellular respiration and photosynthesis involve the production and utilization of energy in the form of ATP. They both occur in living organisms but in different cellular compartments – cellular respiration in mitochondria and photosynthesis in chloroplasts. Additionally, both processes involve redox reactions that involve the transfer of electrons.