Ozone is an important component of ozone layer. It protects us from UV rays of the sun.
The stratospheric ozone is important as it blocks the harmful UV radiations of the sun. This ozone is present as the ozone layer.
Ozone is a very important gas and chemical for it. In the ozone layer, it acts as the protective layer of the earth.
the ozone layer keeps radiation and meteors away from earth
The ozone is an important layer found in the stratospheric layer of the Earth. It is important because it protects us from the UV (Ultraviolet) rays of the sun. However the ozone layer is getting depleted due to the emission of harmful gases like CFCs (Chlorofluorocarbons)
CECs (chlorinated ethenes and ethanes) are not considered beneficial to the ozone layer. They can deplete the ozone layer by releasing chlorine atoms when they break down in the atmosphere, which can then destroy ozone molecules. It is important to minimize the release of CECs to protect the ozone layer and overall environmental health.
There are no components of ozone layer. Just a single layer.
There is only one component to the ozone layer. It is the ozone gas itself i.e. a pool of gases.
The stratospheric ozone is important as it blocks the harmful UV radiations of the sun. This ozone is present as the ozone layer.
the ozone consist of three oxygen atoms called o3.
There are no elements in ozone layer other than ozone. It is important as it protect against UV's.
the ozone layer protects us from sunburn
We should not avoid ozone layer. It is very important for our survival.
Ozone is a very important gas and chemical for it. In the ozone layer, it acts as the protective layer of the earth.
Ozone is a very important gas and as a layer. This layer protects us from Ultraviolet radiations of the sun.
The ozone layer of the earth is a very protective and important layer. This layer is a boon at the atmospheric level.
the ozone layer keeps radiation and meteors away from earth
See "What does the ozone layer do?" in the "Related questions" section below.