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Ozone is an important component of ozone layer. It protects us from UV rays of the sun.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 9mo ago

Ozone is an important component of the Earth's stratosphere layer.

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Q: Ozone is an important component of which layer?
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What are the different component of the ozone layer?

There are no components of ozone layer. Just a single layer.

What are the componets of the ozone layer?

There is only one component to the ozone layer. It is the ozone gas itself i.e. a pool of gases.

The stratospheric ozone layer is important in that?

The stratospheric ozone is important as it blocks the harmful UV radiations of the sun. This ozone is present as the ozone layer.

What is chemical component of ozone layer?

the ozone consist of three oxygen atoms called o3.

Why is the elements of the ozone layer important to humans?

There are no elements in ozone layer other than ozone. It is important as it protect against UV's.

Why is ozone layer important in life on earth?

the ozone layer protects us from sunburn

How do you aviod ozone layer?

We should not avoid ozone layer. It is very important for our survival.

What does the ozone and what does it do for us?

Ozone is a very important gas and chemical for it. In the ozone layer, it acts as the protective layer of the earth.

Where is ozone why is it so important?

Ozone is a very important gas and as a layer. This layer protects us from Ultraviolet radiations of the sun.

Which is different from the ozone layer of the earth?

The ozone layer of the earth is a very protective and important layer. This layer is a boon at the atmospheric level.

Why is the ozone layer important to your heath?

the ozone layer keeps radiation and meteors away from earth

Why is ozone layer so important?

See "What does the ozone layer do?" in the "Related questions" section below.