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You can grow heaps of plants, i grow plants using hydroponics and i grow tomatoes, strawberries,chillis. Yes you can grow flowers using hydroponics, you can plant them when they are seeds or seedlings. yes, most plants can be grown hydroponically but some species like different kinds of substrate (growing medium) to grow in so you need to check that first but most plants will survive just fine in rockwool using hydro and the correct nutrients. I grow strawberries, lettuce, tomatoes. Remember the soil is there to support the plant and supply nutrients so therefore if you provide a substate to anchor the plant then all you have to do is supply the correct balanced feed for that type of plant.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

Yes, you can grow a variety of plants using hydroponics, including herbs (such as basil and mint), leafy greens (like lettuce and spinach), strawberries, and peppers. You can also grow hydroponic flowers like orchids, roses, and marigolds, with the right setup and nutrient solution tailored to their specific needs.

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Q: Other than tomatoes what can you grow with the hydroponic method can you grow hydroponic flowers also?
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What are two flowers that have flowers?

Tomatoes are flowers because plants are flowers. then when you see them grow they have another flower. The same thing with some other vegetables.

Where can one purchase hydroponic supplies?

Hydroponic supplies can be purchased through many other retailers. This includes BG Hydro, HTG Supply, Hydroponic Wholesale and Amazon. The products are different in each site.

What would happen if there were no flowers?

Without FlowersWithout flowers, the world would be less beautiful. More importantly, flowers are the part many garden plants, and other plants as well, where pollination occurs. If there were no flowers, there would be no beans, peas, tomatoes, peppers, watermelon, cantaloupe, squash, and lots of other vegetables. Fruit trees also are pollinated through flowers, so without flowers, we would also have no apples, pears, oranges and other fruits.

What is the difference between hydroponic marijuana and chronic?

Hydroponics refers to a method of growing plants without soil and using a mineral nutrient solution. The marijuana plants are grown in a soil less medium such as coco coir under lights. Hydroponic marijuana is usually of high quality but occasionally it is bad because of mistakes in growing, plants grown from bad genetics or other problems. Hydroponic marijuana is also often grown locally. Chronic is a term for high quality weed, which may or may not be hydroponic. There are usually red hairs on the weed. There is also a strain of marijuana called Chronic which was developed by a company called Serious Seeds.

Which is better hydroponic weed or organic grown weed?

Some say that hydroponically grown organic weed [is] the best. "Hydroponic" refers to a method of plant growth without the use of soil. "Organic" usually refers to the reduction or absence of harmful botanical materials, especially pesticides. It isn't a choice between one or the other, and a plant could be grown organically in a hydroponic system. However if you had to choose, organic grown weed would be a good choice, as it is helpful for the environment and contains less harmful contaminants.

What is the main ingredient in tomatoes?

Tomatoes don't have any other ingredient. Tomatoes are just tomatoes. If made as a sauce, for example, then there could be other ingredients such as onion, garlic, herbs, etc.

How do tomatoes get to countries where the crop is not easily grown?

They are transported to other countries. The method varies depending on the route taken, but traditional methods are trucking, shipping, and air freight.

Should tomato's be a vegetable?

Tomatoes, along with peppers, squash, eggplant and many other "vegetables" are fruits. the definition of a vegetable is: Any plant of which the flowers, roots, tubers, leaves or stems are used as food. In common lexicon, tomatoes are considered vegetables, but botanically, fruits are a separate class.

Where can you find sweet tomatoes?

Sweet tomatoes are available at most supermarkets in the produce section. They are usually near the other tomatoes, or by other vegetables. Sweet tomatoes can also be found at local farmers markets or specialty produce stores.

Why is a tomato a vegetable when its meant to be a fruit?

Tomatoes, along with peppers, squash, eggplant and many other "vegetables" are fruits. the definition of a vegetable is: Any plant of which the flowers, roots, tubers, leaves or stems are used as food. In common lexicon, tomatoes are considered vegetables, but botanically, fruits are a separate class.

what is a daisys connection with other flowers?

they are a connection with other flowers

What does flowers have in them?

Flowers have pollen in them. And other things that are inside flowers.