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population**Correction it is Ecosystem(plato)

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1mo ago

Organisms interact with each other and their environment in an ecosystem. These interactions can take various forms such as competition for resources, predation, mutualism, and environmental adaptations. The interactions help maintain balance and stability in the ecosystem.

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Q: Organisms interact with each other and with the nonliving environment around them in a?
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How does the living and nonliving factors interact with one another?

Living and nonliving factors interact in ecosystems through processes like nutrient cycling, energy flow, and habitat modification. For example, living organisms depend on nonliving factors like water and sunlight for survival, while nonliving factors can be influenced by living organisms through processes like decomposition and erosion. Overall, the interactions between living and nonliving factors are essential for maintaining ecosystem balance and stability.

Are the nonliving parts around living things in a certain location?

Yes, the nonliving parts around living things in a certain location make up the abiotic components of an ecosystem. These include factors like sunlight, temperature, soil, water, and air quality that influence the living organisms within that environment.

What are the living and nonliving things around you called?

Living things are called organisms, while nonliving things are called abiotic components. These components together make up an ecosystem.

The key to the study of biology is learning about the?

relationships between living organisms and their environment, as well as the fundamental principles that govern life processes. Understanding how living organisms function and interact with each other and their surroundings is crucial in the study of biology.

Where are the ecoystems x?

Ecosystems are found all around the world, from tropical rainforests to polar regions. They exist in oceans, deserts, grasslands, and forests. Essentially, ecosystems can be found wherever living organisms interact with their environment.

Related questions

How does the living and nonliving factors interact with one another?

Living and nonliving factors interact in ecosystems through processes like nutrient cycling, energy flow, and habitat modification. For example, living organisms depend on nonliving factors like water and sunlight for survival, while nonliving factors can be influenced by living organisms through processes like decomposition and erosion. Overall, the interactions between living and nonliving factors are essential for maintaining ecosystem balance and stability.

What refers to all of the living and nonliving things around you?

your environment

What is the environment made of?

The environment is composed of living and non-living elements. It includes air, water, soil, plants, animals, and microorganisms. These components interact with each other to create ecosystems that support life on Earth.

What are the living and nonliving things around you called?

Living things are called organisms, while nonliving things are called abiotic components. These components together make up an ecosystem.

The key to the study of biology is learning about the?

relationships between living organisms and their environment, as well as the fundamental principles that govern life processes. Understanding how living organisms function and interact with each other and their surroundings is crucial in the study of biology.

What role of the cell membrane and cell wall play in the cell?

Separate the living organism from the nonliving environment around it.

Where are the ecoystems x?

Ecosystems are found all around the world, from tropical rainforests to polar regions. They exist in oceans, deserts, grasslands, and forests. Essentially, ecosystems can be found wherever living organisms interact with their environment.

What living things react to changes around them?

All living organisms can react to changes in their environment in order to maintain homeostasis and adapt to new conditions. This can include plants responding to sunlight by bending towards it, animals moving to avoid danger or seek food, and bacteria producing enzymes to survive in different temperatures.

How do people interact in the natural environment?

I need help with this question.. How do humans interact with the natural world around them?? Help me by tomoorow please

What do biologists study?

Biologists study living organisms, their interactions with each other and their environment, and the processes that govern life. They investigate the structure, function, growth, evolution, distribution, and taxonomy of organisms to understand and explain the natural world.

How humans and the environment interact in Ottawa?

Not sure of the context but mostly the humans pave over and urbanize the environment around Ottawa and then say it is OK because they do not allow other Canadians to pave over the environment in their area.

What is the study of the interactions of living organisms with one another and their physical environment?

"the study of living things is called what" - The Asker The Answer-er: Biology. Their environment, and how they interact: Ecology. You asked two very different questions in the title and in the answer. There are many shades of study around and in between these two categories, depending on the focal point of study.