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carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide

Essentially, organic compounds contain carbon and hydrogen.

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inorganic compounds like oxides, carbonates, and cyanides.

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Q: Organic compounds are defined as all covalently bonded compounds containing carbon except?
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Is hydrochloride an organic compound?

No, organic compounds are defined as containing carbon. HCl is just hydrogen and chloride. However, you often see hydrochlorides of organic compounds.

Is paraffin organic or inorganic?

Paraffin is typically considered an organic compound because it is derived from petroleum or natural gas. Organic compounds are generally defined as compounds containing carbon-hydrogen bonds.

Is NO2 an example of an organic compound?

No, NO2 is not an organic compound because it does not contain carbon. Organic compounds are defined as compounds containing carbon-hydrogen bonds. NO2 is a nitrogen dioxide molecule.

Is CH2O inorganic?

Yes, CH2O (formaldehyde) is an organic compound because it contains carbon-hydrogen bonds. Organic compounds are generally defined as compounds containing carbon-hydrogen bonds.

Is methane organic or inorgaic?

Methane is an organic compound because it contains carbon-hydrogen bonds. Organic compounds are generally defined as compounds containing carbon-hydrogen bonds, while inorganic compounds do not contain carbon-hydrogen bonds.

Is HONH2 an organic compound?

No, HONH2 is not considered an organic compound because it does not contain carbon in its molecular structure. Organic compounds are defined as compounds containing carbon in their chemical makeup. HONH2 is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula NH2OH, known as hydroxylamine.

Is C2H5Cl organic or inorganic?

C2H5Cl, which is ethyl chloride, is considered organic because it contains carbon atoms bonded to hydrogen atoms. Organic compounds are generally defined as molecules containing carbon atoms bonded together.

How is organic defined?

Organic is any chemical containing carbon when pertaining to chemistry.

Which element is always found in organic compound?

The element is carbon. Organic chemistry revolves around carbon-containing compounds that have C-C or C-H bonds. Not all compounds that have carbon are classified as organic though, such as carbon dioxide.

Is Carbon found in all organic molecules?

Yes, carbon is found in all organic molecules. Organic molecules are defined as compounds containing carbon bonded to hydrogen, and often other elements such as oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur. Carbon's unique ability to form strong covalent bonds with other elements allows for the great diversity of organic compounds found in nature.

Is C18H34O3 organic?

Yes, C18H34O3 is an organic compound. This formula consists of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms, which are commonly found in organic molecules. Organic compounds are generally defined as those containing carbon atoms bonded to hydrogen atoms.

What does a compound have to contain to be organic?

Organic Chemistry is defined as 'The Chemistry of Compounds of Carbon'.