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Q: One so as more mitochondria and the other How does having more mitochondria affect the cells functions?
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What is the primamry function of the mitochondria?

The main function of the mitochondria is the production of energy. This energy is used up by the cells for their functions.

What functions does the mitochondria perform in cells?

It perform energy generating function.They are the power houses.

What would happen to a eukaryotic cell if it's mitochondria was destroyed?

It will not get energy. Functions of cells would be stopped

Where are large numbers of mitochondria found in?

Large numbers of mitochondria are typically found in cells that have high energy demands, such as muscle cells, liver cells, and cells of the heart. These organs and tissues require significant energy production to carry out their functions effectively.

How does mitochondrion structure affect its function?

How does mitochondrion's structures affect its function

Why is the cell's concentration of mitochondria higher in certain cells?

Certain cells have higher concentrations of mitochondria because they require more energy production to meet their high metabolic demands. For example, muscle cells and neurons have higher concentrations of mitochondria to support their functions. Ultimately, the increased presence of mitochondria allows these cells to generate more ATP for energy.

Gland cells have a large number of which organelle?

Gland cells have a large number of mitochondria. Mitochondria are responsible for producing energy in the form of ATP through cellular respiration, which is essential for the secretory functions of gland cells.

What types of cells might need less mitochondria?

Cells that rely primarily on anaerobic metabolism for energy production, such as red blood cells, may require less mitochondria since they do not depend as heavily on aerobic respiration. Additionally, cells with specialized functions that do not require high energy demands, like hair cells or skin cells, may have reduced numbers of mitochondria compared to highly metabolically active cells.

What organelles that have a double membrane?

Nucleus Mitochondria

Why is the nucleus and mitochondria important in cells?

The nucleus holds information, the mitochondria supply energy.

What is the job of the cell's mitochondria?

it functions the membrane and helps keep shapee!

What cell that scattered throughout the cell?

Organelles, such as ribosomes and mitochondria, are cells that are scattered throughout the cell. These structures perform specific functions crucial for the cell's survival and overall function.