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Answer 1: Asteroids are formed by the collision of two planets breaking each into small pieces and floating off into space

Answer 2: Asteroids are formed when planets are absorbed and crushed inside a black hole. The pieces of the planet are then ejected from the backend of the black holes into space as asteroids.

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15y ago
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1mo ago

One hypothesis is that asteroids are remnants from the early solar system's formation, made up of rock, metal, and other minerals. These objects may have never fully developed into planets due to gravitational interactions with larger bodies. Another hypothesis is that asteroids could be fragments from larger celestial bodies that broke apart due to collisions or other disturbances in space.

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12y ago

asteroids formed from small pices of rock and metal just like the rest of te solar system

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13y ago

formed by asteroids in the sky about to hitt the space shuttle i think.

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12y ago

Scientist believe that long time ago the when planets are forming they hit each other. As they hit each other, produces asteroids.

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10y ago

Asteroids are remnants of the formation of our solar system including asteroids from other solar systems crashing into our planets, and moons to create more asteroids.

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12y ago

stars that have stopped buring

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14y ago

Moons or more pieces of astroids

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12y ago

It comes from other planet rocks

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Q: One hypothesis to explain what asteroids really are?
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How are the moons of asteroids formed?

Moons of asteroids are thought to form when a smaller asteroid is captured by the gravitational pull of a larger asteroid. This capture can lead to the smaller asteroid becoming a satellite or moon of the larger one. Another hypothesis is that a collision between two asteroids can generate debris that eventually coalesces to form a moon.

How many asteroids are being tracked each year?

It is estimated that thousands of asteroids are being tracked each year by various space agencies and observatories around the world. The number can vary depending on the size and proximity of the asteroids.

What is the name for a band of asteroids?

Some asteroids are considered associated and are called "groups." Most asteroids are not part of groups but are in a "belt" positioned between Mars and Jupiter. Certain zones of gravitional equilibrium can capture asteroids. These zones are known as LaGrange Points. Jupiter, having the most powerful planetary gravity, has several groups at these points. Two of them, because the individual asteroids in them are named after heroes in the Trojan War, are known as "Trojan asteroids." One group is the "Trojan" group and another is the "Greek" group, even though there's an important Trojan in the Greeks and an important Greek with the Trojans.

Write a hypothesis to explain why the female leatherback digs two holes?

One hypothesis for why the female leatherback digs two holes could be that one hole is for depositing the eggs, while the other hole is a decoy to confuse predators and protect the nest. This behavior may help increase the chances of the nest remaining undetected and the eggs surviving until hatching.

Are asteroids big?

Asteroids can vary in size from a few meters to hundreds of kilometers in diameter. Some asteroids are small, like pebbles, while others are quite large and can even be classified as dwarf planets. Size is one of the factors used to categorize and characterize asteroids.

Related questions

What is one good hypothesis why the asteroids did not form a planet?

jupeters gravity disrupted their formation

Explain how scientist think the moon was originated?

No one really knows how the Moon was formed. There are a few different hypothesis but not all scientists agree on one. Wikipedia has a short version of 4 of them.

What happens if more than one hypothesis is put forward to explain the same observations?

For a hypothesis to be put forward as a scientific hypothesis, the scientific method requires that one can test it. A working hypothesis is a provisionally accepted hypothesis proposed for further research.

What is the hypothesis in making homemade glue?

The hypothesis in making homemade glue could be that combining certain ingredients such as flour and water will create a sticky substance that can be used to adhere materials together. This hypothesis predicts that the ingredients will react in a way that produces a functional adhesive.

What makes a Hypothesis good Is a good Hypothesis necessarily correct explain.?

A hypothesis is essentially an assumption that is not proved by experiment or observation. It is assumed for the sake of testing its soundness or to facilitate an investigation of a class of phenomena. When one proposes a hypothesis, one draws a conclusion before all the facts are establishedand tentatively accepts this conclusion as a basis for further investigation.--------------------A hypothesis is a proposed explanation for an observable phenomenon. A scientific hypothesis is one that can be tested. Specifically it as assumption that can be tested to be either True or False.

According to scientific hypothesis how oceans formed?

One hypothesis suggests that the Earth's oceans formed from water-rich asteroids and comets colliding with the planet during its early history. This water then accumulated over time to create the oceans we see today. Another hypothesis suggests that water vapor released from volcanic activity contributed to the formation of the oceans.

What are requirments for creating a proper hypothesis?

A proper hypothesis is one that has at least a superficially reasonable quality to it, it has some plausibility as an explanation for whatever it is that you are trying to explain. If it is obviously ridiculous, then it does not qualify as a proper hypothesis. In addition, from a scientific viewpoint a hypothesis should be testable in some way. If there is no way to test your hypothesis then what you are doing is philosophy, not science.

How are the moons of asteroids formed?

Moons of asteroids are thought to form when a smaller asteroid is captured by the gravitational pull of a larger asteroid. This capture can lead to the smaller asteroid becoming a satellite or moon of the larger one. Another hypothesis is that a collision between two asteroids can generate debris that eventually coalesces to form a moon.

What would I have to do to turn a hypothesis into a law?

A scientific law is a description of observed phenomena that repeat (i.e. not a one-time event). A hypothesis seeks to explain the law. Hypotheses that are able to demonstrate the ability to make predictions about the law may become a theory. Hypotheses and theories attempt to explain laws, not the other way around.

Why are hypotheses important?

"A hypothesis is an educated guess to attempt an explain an oberservation or answer a question." It's pretty simple, make an educated guess about an oberservation or question. A hypothesis isn't very reliable.

Are there more asteroids or stars in the solar system?

More asteroids by far. Our solar system contains millions of asteroids but only one star: the sun.

One theory about asteroids says that Jupiter's strong what prevented the asteroids from forming a planet?
