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Q: Once the threat has passed another series of changes returns the body to its original state. Why must this occur?
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Once a wave has passed through a medium, the matter returns to its original state. The particles in the medium oscillate as the wave passes through, but they go back to their original positions once the wave has passed.

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The law you are referring to is the law of reflection. This law states that when a wave is passed from one substance to another and strikes the interface at an angle, the wave will reflect at an equal but opposite angle.

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pass by value is the technique where a copy of the variable is passed to the method as argument. This value can be modified inside the method but that would not affect the original value. Pass by reference is the technique where the reference to the actual variable is passed to the method as argument. Any changes to this variable would affect and alter the original value. Usually primitive data types are passed by value and objects are passed by reference in java.

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Extension for business returns are handled using IRS Form 7004. However the deadline for any extensions have long since passed for the 2010 returns.

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It depends on your requirements. A structure contains other objects (variables) within it. You cannot write methods in a structure. It is used as a data storage mechanism. When passed as an argument to another method, the entire contents of the structure is copied (this means that any changes you make to the structure in that method only apply to the local copy). A class contains both objects (variables), and methods that interact on those variables. Classes are the fundamental building block of object orienated applications. When passed as an argument to another method, only the pointer (or memory location) of the object is passed to the method (this means that any changes you make to the object will be visible in the original method as well, since there is only one copy of it).

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Another Day Has Passed was created on 2009-05-12.

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