On weather maps created with radar data, areas with higher reflectivity usually indicate greater rainfall intensity. Reflectivity is a measure of the amount of radar energy returned to the radar site, with heavier rain or larger water droplets reflecting more energy back towards the radar. Therefore, higher reflectivity values on a radar map typically correspond to areas experiencing heavier rainfall.
Rainfall can make it easier to see spider webs, as the raindrops collect on the silk threads, making them more visible.
The average monthly rainfall in Coventry, United Kingdom varies throughout the year. However, on average, Coventry receives around 50-60mm of rainfall per month. The wettest months tend to be in the autumn and winter, while the summer months are usually drier.
Tropical rainforest climates typically have the most rainfall, with consistent and heavy precipitation throughout the year. These regions usually have lush vegetation due to the abundance of water.
the rain forest. i think
Heavy rainfall is the kind of weather that is involved with the hurricane. Usually the greater the storm, the greater the hurricane.
It depends on what city you live in. In London or Seattle there might be more rainfall, but most rainfall usually occurs in the spring.
Not usually because it's so hot, but if it's close to a body of water there could be moderate rainfall.
The average rainfall is usually about 250cm per year.
Usually rainfall over time.
The average rainfall in Singapore is 237 cm
Pakistan has wide variations of rainfall because the country is vast.The country usually face both the drought and floods.
Rainfall can make it easier to see spider webs, as the raindrops collect on the silk threads, making them more visible.
In an Australian context, a pastoralist is a farmer who runs sheep or cattle on the low rainfall pastoral zone lands. Usually these properties are large in size due to their reliance on natural rainfall, which is usually less than 300mm annually.
Usually, yes.