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Q: On the periodic table what family is very in active?
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What is the most active non metal in the periodic table?

It is fluorine. Fluorine is part of the halogens they are very active nonmetals.

Which family is very stable and nonreactive?

Elements in group 18 of the periodic table.

Is the periodic table useful?

The periodic table is very useful.

Elements on very first Periodic Table?

Yes, there were elements on the first periodic table. I believe that there are still elements on the periodic table.

What is family one called in the periodic table?

alkaline earth metals

How can you identify the elements in a family on the periodic table?

Elements in the same family on the periodic table have similar chemical properties and characteristics due to their shared number of valence electrons. They are located in the same column on the periodic table and have the same number of valence electrons, which influences their reactivity and bonding behavior. The main group elements in the periodic table are organized into families based on their electron configuration, with each family exhibiting similar properties.

What are the characteristics about Family 1 in the periodic table?

Family 1 belongs to alkaline metals.They are very reactive.They react vigorously with water.One of the element is sodium.

Where are the most active elements located on periodic table called?

The most active elements on the periodic table are located in Group 1, also known as the alkali metals. These elements are highly reactive due to their tendency to lose their outermost electron to achieve a stable electron configuration.

Where are hydrogen found on the periodic table?

Hydrogen is found at the very top left of the periodic table. It is the first element on the periodic table and it is shown with the atomic symbol H.

Where is the group 18 on the periodic table located?

on the very right side of the periodic table. (the farthest column to the right)

Which family on the periodic table is very reactive group mostly of nonmetals whose atoms have 7 valence electrons?

Halogens family have 7 valence electrons.They belongs to family 17 on the periodic table.They are highly reactive as they accept electron readily to complete their shell.

Who revised the very first periodic table?
