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Q: On average how many purple hull peas will one plant produce?
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How many pounds of purple hull pea seed to plant one acre?


How do you cook fresh purple hull peas?

cook it idiots!

How much will a bushel of purple hull peas cost in Arkansas for 2012?


How much money can you make with 3 acres of purple hull peas?


Are field peas also called purple hull peas?

purple hulled peas are a common type of field pea, yes.

How do you get rid of ants on purple hull pea plants?

There are various ways to get rid of ants on purple hull pea plants. There are some pesticides that are known to work. The Himalayan crystal salt is said to be an effective organic pesticide that you can use.

How much pressure does a boat through hull pickup produce?

A will

How do you shell purple hull peas?

purple hull peas grow in a long pod and each pod contains about 5-8 peas. It is pretty simple, you just crack the pod open and the peas fall out. Make sure to blanch them before you freeze them.

Can you eat purple hull peas?

The purple coloring is from the pigment anthocyanin. This is a beneficial antioxidant that is contained in most purple pigmented vegetables such as purple broccoli, purple cabbage, and eggplant and in fruits such as currents, raspberries, and grapes. This pigment is not in most green pea varieties and is only present in the hulls of the purple hulled pea and not in the green peas themselves.

How far is hull from Birmingham?

Depending where in Hull your Traveling from and where in Birmingham your traveling to it is an average of 137.7 miles or 221.6 km and average time of 2 hr 30 min in car. hope this is helpful.

What does a hominy plant look like?

Hominy is made from dried corn kernels that have been treated with an alkali solution, which removes the hull and germ. So, there is no specific hominy plant as it is a processed form of corn. Corn plants are tall with long, broad leaves and produce cobs containing kernels.

How do you cook home grown purple hull peas?

Lightly steamed for just a couple of minutes. Freshness and flavour are delicate flowers; don't attack them with heat.