Nobody knows where the name comes from; it's one of the oldest place names still in use and its origins are shrouded in antiquity. To most people, it means a large continent that's frigid in the north and sweltering in the south.
The scientific name for kutsay is Allium tuberosum. It is a species of onion native to Asia.
Siam is the old name for Thailand. It is in Asia, north of Malaysia, east of Burma (Myanmar), west of Laos and Cambodia and Vietnam, south of China. Siam is the old name for Thailand. It is in Asia, north of Malaysia, east of Burma (Myanmar), west of Laos and Cambodia and Vietnam, south of China.
artamisa annua. it's commonly found in southeast Asia.
The region that Korea is in is considered to be the Korean Peninsula in East Asia. The name Korea comes from the Koryo dynasty which ruled in the 1800's.
old name for malaysia
Asia Minor or Anatolia.
The answer is "Ionia"
He might go out with a girl name Asia but not a 13 year old he is 23 what would he do with a 13 year old,but go to jail for it.
Asia is the modern name of Asia.
It was an Old World name for Asia. the terms use goes as far back as Marco Polo and as recent as the 1940's
Myanmar was previously known as Burma.
Asia Smith's birth name is Asia Ray Smith.
Asia Vieira's birth name is Vieira, Asia Molly.
The name of the huge continent is Asia.
In the 10-15 century it was in the middle of the old world and Asia