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  1. Nuclear reactions produce radioactive waste that poses long-term storage and disposal challenges, whereas obtaining energy from renewable sources like wind or solar do not produce harmful waste.

  2. Nuclear reactions also carry the risk of accidents or nuclear meltdown, as seen in events like Chernobyl or Fukushima, which can have devastating consequences for both human health and the environment.

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Q: Obtaining reactions is preferable to obtaining of energy from nuclear fission reactions.Give two reasons to justify this statement?
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What process is the total of all the chemical reactions in an organism?

Metabolism is the process that encompasses all the chemical reactions that occur in an organism. It involves obtaining nutrients, converting them into usable energy, and removing waste products.

What is the life process necicary for all organisms?

The essential life process for all organisms is metabolism, which involves obtaining and using energy to sustain life. This process involves various biochemical reactions that break down nutrients to produce energy, maintain homeostasis, and support growth and reproduction.

Where do other organisms get their energy from?

Other organisms can obtain their energy through various sources such as sunlight (photosynthesis in plants), consuming other organisms (heterotrophs), or through chemical reactions (chemosynthesis in certain bacteria). Each organism has a specific way of obtaining and using energy to survive and carry out its life processes.

Why do you keep reagents on ice?

Keeping reagents on ice helps to slow down chemical reactions and enzyme activities that may lead to degradation or unwanted changes in the reagent before they are used in the experiment. This helps to ensure the reagents remain stable and maintain their integrity, which is important for obtaining reliable and reproducible results in experiments.

Why is human insulin preferable to animal insulin?

Human insulin is preferable to animal insulin because it is made through genetic engineering, ensuring higher purity and reducing the risk of allergic reactions. Additionally, human insulin closely mimics the natural insulin produced by the human body, which leads to more predictable and consistent results in managing diabetes. Lastly, human insulin is now more widely available and cost-effective compared to animal-derived insulin.

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What process is the total of all the chemical reactions in an organism?

Metabolism is the process that encompasses all the chemical reactions that occur in an organism. It involves obtaining nutrients, converting them into usable energy, and removing waste products.

What is a sentence using endothermic and exothermic?

Plants are endothermic because they use photosynthesis as their means of obtaining energy and endothermic means energy obtaining. A candle flame would be considered exothermic because it releases heat.

Why is francium uncommon?

- The total quantity of francium in the earth crust is approx. 30 g. - The most stable isotope of francium, 223Fr, has a half life of only 21,8 min. - Obtaining francium artificially by the intermediate of nuclear reactions, is also very difficult and expensive.

What gets oxygen we need from the air we breathe called?

The process of obtaining oxygen from the air we breathe is known as respiration. During respiration, the lungs take in oxygen from the air and deliver it to the bloodstream, where it is then transported to the body's cells to produce energy through a series of chemical reactions.

Why do you keep reagents on ice?

Keeping reagents on ice helps to slow down chemical reactions and enzyme activities that may lead to degradation or unwanted changes in the reagent before they are used in the experiment. This helps to ensure the reagents remain stable and maintain their integrity, which is important for obtaining reliable and reproducible results in experiments.

How can the communication cycle be used to communicate difficult complex sensitive issues?

Basically six stages ofcommunicationcycle include obtaining or giving thoughts, noting body language, working outwhat the persons thinking, listening to response, understanding response & obtaining or giving thoughts. Now all of these steps can help in the communication of complex topics.By following this cycle you use appropriate style and methods of communications. You try to meet the needs and preferences of people. You get more conscious about the concerns and reactions of people. The content and purpose of the communication is also selected appropriately. When you notice the body languageof the other person you can better know about his intentions when you are communicating. In this way each step of communication cycle lowers the chances of any mishap in the discussion of a serious issue.

How the communication cycle may be used to communicate difficult complex and sensitive issues?

Basically six stages of communication cycle include obtaining or giving thoughts, noting body language, working out what the persons thinking, listening to response, understanding response & obtaining or giving thoughts. Now all of these steps can help in the communication of complex topics. By following this cycle you use appropriate style and methods of communications. You try to meet the needs and preferences of people. You get more conscious about the concerns and reactions of people. The content and purpose of the communication is also selected appropriately. When you notice the body language of the other person you can better know about his intentions when you are communicating. In this way each step of communication cycle lowers the chances of any mishap in the discussion of a serious issue

How is polonium obtained?

Polonium is not found freely in nature. It is a radioactive element that is typically produced in nuclear reactors or through the decay of uranium. It can also be synthesized in particle accelerators. Due to its high radioactivity, obtaining and handling polonium requires specialized equipment and procedures.

Heterotrophic nutrition in plants?

Heterotrophic nutrition in plants occurs when they rely on obtaining organic nutrients from other organisms. This can happen in parasitic plants that absorb nutrients from their host plant, or in myco-heterotrophic plants that obtain nutrients from fungi. Overall, these plants do not photosynthesize and rely on external sources for their nutrition.

What are the fuel sources for nuclear power plant?

The main fuel source for nuclear power plants is uranium, specifically uranium-235. The uranium fuel is enriched to increase the concentration of uranium-235, which undergoes fission reactions in the reactor core to generate heat. In some cases, plutonium can also be used as a fuel source in nuclear reactors.

Why corrosion is reverse of extractive metallurgy?

Corrosion is the natural process of degrading metal structures due to chemical reactions with the environment, leading to loss of material and deterioration. Extractive metallurgy, on the other hand, involves obtaining pure metals from ores through various chemical and physical processes. In corrosion, metals return to their more stable form as oxides or salts, representing a reversal of the extraction process in metallurgy.

Why is human insulin preferable to animal insulin?

Human insulin is preferable to animal insulin because it is made through genetic engineering, ensuring higher purity and reducing the risk of allergic reactions. Additionally, human insulin closely mimics the natural insulin produced by the human body, which leads to more predictable and consistent results in managing diabetes. Lastly, human insulin is now more widely available and cost-effective compared to animal-derived insulin.