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Nitrogen fixation is believed to take place within heterocysts of the Nostoc cell. Heterocysts are specialized cells in some cyanobacteria that are responsible for converting atmospheric nitrogen into a form that can be used by the cell.

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Q: Nitrogen fixation is believed to take place within which Nostoc cell?
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Why do pulse plants have nodules in them?

Pulse plants have nodules to help them convert nitrogen in the atmosphere to ammonia that can be used by the pulse plants to manufacture amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids, and other nitrogen-containing compounds that are necessary for the pulse plants to survive.The conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia is called nitrogen fixation. The nitrogen fixation process starts with the formation of nodules.Rhizobium is a common soil bacterium which invades the roots of the pulse plant and multiplies within the cells of the cortex layer. Within a week after infection small nodules are visible to the naked eye.The nodules grow and turn pink or reddish in color indicating that the process of nitrogen fixation has started.

Nitrogen is biochemically fixed within the soil by?

Nitrogen is biochemically fixed within the soil primarily by certain species of bacteria. These bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can use, through a process known as nitrogen fixation. This process is essential for making nitrogen available to plants for growth and development.

The main purpose of DNA is to store information. Where is information stored within a DNA molecule?

It is stored within the sequence of nitrogen bases.

Why legiminous plants have root nodules?

Leguminous plants have root nodules because they form a symbiotic relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacteria, usually of the genus Rhizobium, that reside within these nodules. The bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that the plant can use for growth, providing the plant with a vital source of nitrogen while the bacteria receive nutrients from the plant.

How do living organisms obtain their nitrogen requirement?

All organisms need nitrogen to live and grow. Plants take up nitrate ions from the soil, they are then absorbed into roots by active transport, the plant then produces nitrogen-containing compounds such as protein. This nitrogen then gets into the food web as primary consumers feed on plants and obtain the nitrogen-containing compounds. However, the atmosphere is made up of 78% nitrogen and is unavailable in this form to organisms. This is due to the triple bond between the two N atoms causing it to be inert. To be used by organisms, it must be converted to a chemically available form, such as ammonium (NH4+), nitrate (NO3-), or urea ((NH3)2CO). There are five main processes that convert nitrogen to a more accessible form. They are; nitrogen fixation, nitrogen uptake, decay process, nitrification and denitrification. The first process I will talk about is nitrogen fixation. There, the nitrogen is converted to ammonium; it is the only way organisms can obtain nitrogen directly from the atmosphere. The only organism that can fix nitrogen through metabolic process is bacteria from the genus Rhizobium. The nitrogen fixers are usually found on host plants, but there are also nitrogen fixing bacteria found without host plants. They are known as free-living nitrogen fixers, e.g. in the aquatic environment a very important nitrogen fixer would be cyanobacteria. Nitrogen fixation can also be carried out in high-energy natural events, such as lightning and forest fires. The high-energy breaks the triple bond between the two nitrogen atoms producing a significant amount of single nitrogen atoms available for use. The next process is nitrogen uptake, this is where plants or bacteria itself makes use of the ammonia produced by the nitrogen fixing bacteria. The ammonium is converted from NH4+ to N to make protein or other nitrogen containing compounds. A very important process that returns nitrogen back to the nitrogen cycle for use is the decay process. When organisms, die, nitrogen is converted back into inorganic nitrogen by a process called nitrogen mineralization. Decomposers consume the organic matter and this leads to decomposition. Nitrogen contained within the dead organism in converted to ammonium, it is then available for use to plants, or transformed into NO3- (nitrification). Through the nitrogen cycle, food-making organisms obtain necessary nitrogen through nitrogen fixation and nitrification. Nitrogen compounds are returned to atmosphere and soil through decay and denitrification. In crops, few plants are left to decay back into soil, so the nitrogen cycle doesn't supply enough nitrogen to support plant growth. Therefore natural or artificial fertilizers containing NO3- or NH4+ compounds are added.

Related questions

What organisms perform nitrogen fixation?

Organisms such as certain bacteria (e.g., Rhizobium, Azotobacter) and cyanobacteria (e.g., Anabaena, Nostoc) are known to perform nitrogen fixation. These organisms have the ability to convert atmospheric nitrogen into forms that can be used by plants.

What is the difference between symbiotic and asymbiotic nitrogen fixation?

Symbiotic nitrogen fixation occurs when nitrogen-fixing bacteria form a mutually beneficial relationship with plants, typically within nodules on plant roots. Asymbiotic nitrogen fixation, on the other hand, happens in free-living bacteria in the soil or water that can fix nitrogen without the need for a specific plant host.

Which parts of the natural environment carry out nitrogen fixation?

Legumes; possess nodules located within their roots that are packed with Nitrogen-Fixing bacteria. So the Answer is: leguminous [root-bound] nodules.

Why do pulse plants have nodules in them?

Pulse plants have nodules to help them convert nitrogen in the atmosphere to ammonia that can be used by the pulse plants to manufacture amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids, and other nitrogen-containing compounds that are necessary for the pulse plants to survive.The conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia is called nitrogen fixation. The nitrogen fixation process starts with the formation of nodules.Rhizobium is a common soil bacterium which invades the roots of the pulse plant and multiplies within the cells of the cortex layer. Within a week after infection small nodules are visible to the naked eye.The nodules grow and turn pink or reddish in color indicating that the process of nitrogen fixation has started.

Nitrogen is biochemically fixed within the soil by?

Nitrogen is biochemically fixed within the soil primarily by certain species of bacteria. These bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can use, through a process known as nitrogen fixation. This process is essential for making nitrogen available to plants for growth and development.

What is a process of pulling apart an N molecule?

The process of pulling apart an N molecule involves breaking the chemical bonds that hold the atoms together. This can be done through various methods such as applying physical force, heat, or chemical reactions. By breaking the bonds, the individual atoms within the molecule are separated from each other.

Is a bond between hydrogen and nitrogen a hydrogen bond?

It depends. In an individual molecule, covalent bonds hold the nitrogen atom to the hydrogen atom. This is a type of a intramolecular force and is responsible for holding the atoms in a molecule together. In a group of NH containing molecules, the force responsible for holding the molecules together is due to is the hydrogen bond. This is a intermolecular force and is responsible for holding the molecules together. So basically, if the hydrogen and nitrogen are in the same molecule it's not a hydrogen bond and if they're not in the same molecule and there's a still an attraction it is a hydrogen bond.

How do living organism live?

it depends on which living organisms you are talking about. Plants absorb it through their roots in the form of nitrate (NO3) or ammonia (NH4) or in the case of Nitrogen-fixing plants, they host a bacterial infection which undergoes di-nitrogen fixation within a nodule and makes the nitrogen for the plant. Many types of bacteria and other microorganisms possess the ability to fix atmospheric N2, which eukaryotes in general cannot do. Animals in general get their nitrogen by consuming other organisms or organic material.

The main purpose of DNA is to store information. Where is information stored within a DNA molecule?

It is stored within the sequence of nitrogen bases.

What are the four main types of metabolism carried out by soil organisms?

The four main types of metabolism carried out by soil organisms are aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration, fermentation, and nitrogen fixation. These processes play a key role in nutrient cycling and energy flow within soil ecosystems.

Why legiminous plants have root nodules?

Leguminous plants have root nodules because they form a symbiotic relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacteria, usually of the genus Rhizobium, that reside within these nodules. The bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that the plant can use for growth, providing the plant with a vital source of nitrogen while the bacteria receive nutrients from the plant.

How do living organisms obtain their nitrogen requirement?

All organisms need nitrogen to live and grow. Plants take up nitrate ions from the soil, they are then absorbed into roots by active transport, the plant then produces nitrogen-containing compounds such as protein. This nitrogen then gets into the food web as primary consumers feed on plants and obtain the nitrogen-containing compounds. However, the atmosphere is made up of 78% nitrogen and is unavailable in this form to organisms. This is due to the triple bond between the two N atoms causing it to be inert. To be used by organisms, it must be converted to a chemically available form, such as ammonium (NH4+), nitrate (NO3-), or urea ((NH3)2CO). There are five main processes that convert nitrogen to a more accessible form. They are; nitrogen fixation, nitrogen uptake, decay process, nitrification and denitrification. The first process I will talk about is nitrogen fixation. There, the nitrogen is converted to ammonium; it is the only way organisms can obtain nitrogen directly from the atmosphere. The only organism that can fix nitrogen through metabolic process is bacteria from the genus Rhizobium. The nitrogen fixers are usually found on host plants, but there are also nitrogen fixing bacteria found without host plants. They are known as free-living nitrogen fixers, e.g. in the aquatic environment a very important nitrogen fixer would be cyanobacteria. Nitrogen fixation can also be carried out in high-energy natural events, such as lightning and forest fires. The high-energy breaks the triple bond between the two nitrogen atoms producing a significant amount of single nitrogen atoms available for use. The next process is nitrogen uptake, this is where plants or bacteria itself makes use of the ammonia produced by the nitrogen fixing bacteria. The ammonium is converted from NH4+ to N to make protein or other nitrogen containing compounds. A very important process that returns nitrogen back to the nitrogen cycle for use is the decay process. When organisms, die, nitrogen is converted back into inorganic nitrogen by a process called nitrogen mineralization. Decomposers consume the organic matter and this leads to decomposition. Nitrogen contained within the dead organism in converted to ammonium, it is then available for use to plants, or transformed into NO3- (nitrification). Through the nitrogen cycle, food-making organisms obtain necessary nitrogen through nitrogen fixation and nitrification. Nitrogen compounds are returned to atmosphere and soil through decay and denitrification. In crops, few plants are left to decay back into soil, so the nitrogen cycle doesn't supply enough nitrogen to support plant growth. Therefore natural or artificial fertilizers containing NO3- or NH4+ compounds are added.