

Nickel silver chemistry symbol

Updated: 12/12/2022
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7y ago

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The chemical symbol of nickel is Ni.
The chemical symbol of silver is Ag.

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Q: Nickel silver chemistry symbol
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In chemistry, its symbol is, "Ni"

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The chemical symbol for nickel is Ni.

FAQwhat's the difference between nickel silver and silver?

Nickel silver, also known as German silver, is an alloy made of copper, nickel, and zinc, but does not actually contain silver. It has a silver-like appearance and is commonly used in making musical instruments, jewelry, and silverware. Silver, on the other hand, is a pure element with the chemical symbol Ag, known for its lustrous shine, malleability, and conductivity. It is a precious metal used in jewelry, coins, and decorative items.

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Half a dime could be represented using the chemical symbol for silver, which is Ag. Dimes in the United States are made from a blend of 90% silver and 10% copper, so half a dime would contain approximately half the amount of silver, hence the symbol Ag.

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The chemical symbol for nickel is Ni.

What is another name for nickel?

Another name for nickel is Ni, derived from its chemical symbol on the periodic table.

What is the chemical symbol of Ag?

Ag is the chemical symbol of silver.