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Scientific methods

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theories. They are statements or, in this case, laws that explain the phenomenon of motion based on empirical evidence and mathematical formulations.

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Q: Newton's observations about motion are examples of scientific?
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What are the scienific laws?

There are countless scientific laws. Maybe you mean Newtons famous three laws of motion.

What are examples of newtons seconed law of motion?

probably a bowling ball and a soccer ball. please be careful with the bowling ball though.

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Why scientist reject newtons third law of motion?

The third law is rejected by scientists, it has been proven to work, and has been accepted by the scientific community.

What is a scientific equation?

A scientific equation is a mathematical expression that represents a relationship between different variables in a scientific context. These equations are used to describe and predict natural phenomena and are often derived based on empirical observations or theoretical principles. Examples include Newton's second law of motion (F=ma) and the equation for the conservation of energy (E=mc^2).

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what was isaac newtons accomplsihments.? what was isaac newtons accomplsihments.?

Which of Newtons laws is not a law of motion?

Newton's law of universal gravitation is not a law of motion. This law describes the force of gravity between two objects based on their masses and the distance between them, rather than the motion of objects themselves.

Who discover the newton laws of motion?

Einstein discovered newtons laws of motion.