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1mo ago

Neap tides in January 1989 would have occurred around the time of the third quarter moon, when the gravitational pull of the sun and moon partially cancel each other out. Neap tides are characterized by minimal tidal range and occur roughly every two weeks.

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Related questions

What are the weakest tides?

Neap tides are the weakest

What are especially weak tides called?

Especially weak tides are called neap tides. Neap tides occur when the gravitational pull of the sun and moon are perpendicular to each other, which results in minimal tidal range.

How many days apart are neap tides and spring tides?

Neap and spring tides are about 7 days apart.

What are the two tides that the moon make?

Spring tides and neap tides

How many types tides are there?

2. Neap tides, and spring tides.

When high tides are higher than normal what tides do they make neap or spring tides?

it makes spring tides. the way i remenber that is springs go high and and spring tides are higher than neap tides.

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What tides are not very high and not very low?

Neap tides.

What are the tides that arent height but arent low?

"Neap Tides".

What are tides that are not very high and not very low?

Neap tides.

What is a spring and neat tide?

Spring Tides Are Extreme Tides And Neap Tides Are Weaker Tides.

What the difference between neap and spring tide?

neap tides are moderate tides at normal rates while spring tides are more extereme ex to high or to low .