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Because of the way we are situated in the Milky Way Galaxy, the furthest point away from us [See related pictorial] is obscured from our view by the Galactic core, and so we have no idea what is out there.

There are stars out there, but for now, we just don't know what they are.

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12y ago

The furthest thing you can see with the naked eye is the Andromeda galaxy, which is around 2 million light years away. That's the distance that light will travel in 2 million years. There are much further object, but you would need a telescope. There have been some distant galaxies photographed by Hubble, which are around 13 billion light years away, seen as they were near the formation of the universe. See the 'Hubble deep field' images.

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12y ago

That question is impossible to answer. Even if we limited it to "what star of the Milky Way is furthest from the center", we wouldn't be able to answer it because we can't see the stars on the other side of the galaxy.

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12y ago

Point in the orbit that's closest to the sun: "perihelion"

147,098,290 km

Some time during the first few days in January

Point in the orbit that's farthest from the sun: "aphelion"

152,098,232 km

Some time during the first few days in July

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12y ago

We do not know what the farthest star from the earth is, indeed we do not know what the farthest galaxy form the earth is.

We do however know that it is IMPOSSIBLE to know this because of the speed of light and the expansion of the universe.

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14y ago

"This question has not been answered yet" is probably the best answer. We haven't found the "end of the universe" yet. We have seen stars that are thousands of light years away, but there are still more.

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15y ago

The most distant galaxy detected is some 12.8 Billion light years away. This means that the light traveling from the galaxy has taken almost the entire lenghy of time the Universe has been in existence to reach us (14 Billion Years)

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16y ago

According to astronomers 14.5 billion light years away from earth. As you look at a stars light you are looking back in time, and so the farthest stars are 14.5 billion years old because it took 14.5 billion years to reach earth.

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6y ago

It is hard to say. The farthest stars are in other galaxies, but they are so numerous that we generally don't bother to name or number them, so there is no catalogue of them. There are many galaxies that we can detect but they are too far away to make out the individual stars, even though we know they are there.

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15y ago

Earth doesn't have a star. Even our Galaxy has only one star---the sun.

The furtherest star from our Earth would probably be one that we can not see or detect so we don't know its there.

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