The coordinates N Latitude 34.19 W Longitude 101.71 indicate a location in North America, specifically in the United States. This location is in the state of Texas, potentially near the city of Amarillo.
The latitude and longitude of Milford, CT are approximately 41.2204° N latitude and 73.0562° W longitude.
The latitude and longitude of Mount Pinatubo is approximately 15.1419° N, 120.3497° E.
Latitude: 01°22′N Longitude: 103°48′E
The latitude of Vancouver, Canada is 49.2827° N, and the longitude is 123.1207° W.
is indiana latitude 41 n and longitude 80w
The latitude and longitude of Milford, CT are approximately 41.2204° N latitude and 73.0562° W longitude.
The latitude and longitude of Mount Pinatubo is approximately 15.1419° N, 120.3497° E.
Latitude: 01°22′N Longitude: 103°48′E
The latitude of Vancouver, Canada is 49.2827° N, and the longitude is 123.1207° W.
51o N latitude 8o E longitude
Latitude = 43.49º N (43º29'24" N) Longitude = 112.03º W (112º1'47" W).
Latitude = 35.57º N (35º34'11" N) Longitude = 82.54º W (82º32'24" W).
Latitude = 40.79º N (40º47'24" N) Longitude = 73.07º W (73º4'11" W)
Latitude = 53.34º N (53º20'24" N) Longitude = 6.26º W (6º15'36" W)
is indiana latitude 41 n and longitude 80w
Latitude = 43.14º N (43º8'23" N) Longitude = 131.89º E (131º53'23" E).
France is 80 n latitude 140 w longitude