

Most fossils form in

Updated: 8/11/2023
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Fossils come out of sedimentary rock. == ==

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Q: Most fossils form in
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When do most fossils form?

Fossils form when something dies and it decays over theyears. Thenall you see are the bones. Like dinosaurs bones!

What do most fossils form in?

Most fossils form in sedimentary rock, which is created by the deposition and accumulation of sediments over time. The most common types of sedimentary rock that preserve fossils are shale, sandstone, and limestone.

In what type of rack do most fossils form?

Most fossils form in sedimentary rock, which is formed from layers of sediment that build up over time. This process preserves the remains of plants and animals, creating fossils.

What type of material do most fossils form in?

Sediments. Sedimentary materials.

What are the three types of fossils and how they are formed?

The three types of fossils are mold fossils, cast fossils, and true-form fossils. Mold fossils form when an organism leaves an impression in sediment that hardens into rock. Cast fossils are created when minerals fill in the mold left by an organism, creating a replica of the original shape. True-form fossils are the actual remains or traces of an organism that have been preserved in rock or amber.

Why aren't most of the found fossils complete organisms?

because fossils are rare to find and in complete form even more rare only 10% or less out of 100% fossils have been found on earth

Does lamprophyre form fossils?

A lamprophyre is a type of ultramafic intrusive igneous rock. It is very rare for fossils to be formed in igneous rocks (and they usually only form as mold fossils in extrusive deposits). As such fossils will not form in lamprophyres.

What is fossil form a specific time period?

Index fossils (also known as guide fossils, indicator fossils or zone fossils).

What conditions must exist for most fossils to form?

You have to have the dead remains buried quickly and then never distroyed

What type of rock most commonly hold fossils?

Sedimentary rocks are most commonly known to hold fossils, particularly rocks like limestone, sandstone, and shale. These rocks form from the accumulation of sediment over time, which can help preserve the remains of plants and animals as fossils.

Which rocks would most likely contain a fossil in rock and minrol?

Sedimentary rocks, such as shale, sandstone, and limestone, are most likely to contain fossils. These rocks form from the accumulation of sediment and often preserve the remains of plants and animals. Fossils are less commonly found in igneous and metamorphic rocks, as these rocks form from molten material and intense pressure and heat, which usually destroy any existing fossils.

Fossils are most commonly found in which type of rock?

Fossils are most commonly found in sedimentary rocks. These rocks form from the accumulation and cementation of sediment, which helps preserve the remains of organisms over time. Sedimentary rocks often provide the ideal conditions for the formation and preservation of fossils.