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All of them. Even the short-period comets like Halley spend most of their time far out from the Sun; if they spent too much time in the inner system, all of their volatile gasses and ices would melt and sublimate away.

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Most comets spend the majority of their time beyond the orbit of Neptune, in a region known as the Kuiper Belt or Oort Cloud. These regions are located in the outer reaches of the solar system and are a source of long-period comets that occasionally venture closer to the Sun.

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Q: Most comets spend the majority of their time beyond which orbit?
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How is a comet's orbit different from the moon or planets?

Comets have highly eccentric orbits, meaning they can be much more elongated and elongated than those of planets or the moon. Comets often spend most of their time in the outer solar system beyond the orbit of Neptune and only pass through the inner solar system when they approach the Sun. This results in comets having much longer orbital periods compared to planets or the moon. Additionally, comets can have orbital inclinations that are significantly different from the plane of the solar system where most planets and the moon orbit.

What is the scientific explanation for comets?

Comets are icy bodies composed of dust, rock, and frozen gases like water, ammonia, methane, and carbon dioxide. As a comet orbits the Sun, the heat causes these materials to vaporize and create a glowing coma and tails of gas and dust. The dust and gas released from comets provide valuable information about the early solar system.

How far are comets to the sun?

The distance of a comet from the sun varies greatly. Much more so than for any of the planets, in fact. Comets orbit the sun in long, long eliptical orbits. The orbits of comets can take them from the inner planets outward to space far beyond the orbits of the outer most planets.

Is the sun at the center of a comets orbit?

It is highly imporbable that any comet follows a circular orbit. They are much more likely to follow long eliptical orbits in their eccentric wanderings through the inner and outer solar system. Surf the link to our friends at Wikipedia for some pics and more data.

Why are comets not seen very often in the night sky?

Comets spend most of their time far from the Sun in the outer solar system and are only visible when they come close enough to the Sun to develop a visible coma and tail. Additionally, their orbits may not bring them close to Earth very often, making them appear infrequently in the night sky.

Related questions

Comets spend most of their time?

Beyond the orbit of Neptune

What is is the difference between the orbit of a comet and the orbit of a planet?

Comets typically have elongated orbits that take them far from the Sun before swinging back in close, while planets have more circular orbits that keep them relatively stable in distance from the Sun. Comets also tend to have more inclined orbits compared to the relatively flat orbits of planets.

What is the scientific explanation for comets?

Comets are icy bodies composed of dust, rock, and frozen gases like water, ammonia, methane, and carbon dioxide. As a comet orbits the Sun, the heat causes these materials to vaporize and create a glowing coma and tails of gas and dust. The dust and gas released from comets provide valuable information about the early solar system.

What member of the solar system has a highly eccentric orbit?

Comets. They spend a lot of their time moving slowly at far distances from the sun, with brief periods of time spent closer to the sun, moving at higher speeds.

How far are comets to the sun?

The distance of a comet from the sun varies greatly. Much more so than for any of the planets, in fact. Comets orbit the sun in long, long eliptical orbits. The orbits of comets can take them from the inner planets outward to space far beyond the orbits of the outer most planets.

What are located beyond the asteroid belt 3 AU from the sun have extremely large masses and very low density?

Comets are fairly small bodies of rock and ice which are in a highly eccentric orbit around the sun. The actual nucleus of a comet can be between a few hundred metres across, to 40 or more km in diameter. Their mass is quite low, but their density is also quite low as they are mostly made of water ice and frozen gases. They spend most of their time slowly orbiting the sun, far out beyond the outer planets (and way beyond the asteroid belt). Their orbit eventually brings them close to the sun, where the surface is heated and gives the comet its tails.

Why are comets only visible some of the time?

Comets are only visible when they come close enough to the Sun to heat up and release gas and dust, creating a visible halo called a coma and sometimes a tail. When they are far from the Sun, they are too dim to be seen with the naked eye. This means they are only visible during their journey through the inner solar system.

Is the sun at the center of a comets orbit?

It is highly imporbable that any comet follows a circular orbit. They are much more likely to follow long eliptical orbits in their eccentric wanderings through the inner and outer solar system. Surf the link to our friends at Wikipedia for some pics and more data.

Why are comets not seen very often in the night sky?

Comets spend most of their time far from the Sun in the outer solar system and are only visible when they come close enough to the Sun to develop a visible coma and tail. Additionally, their orbits may not bring them close to Earth very often, making them appear infrequently in the night sky.

Comets and stars?

Comets are icy bodies that orbit the Sun and develop a glowing coma and tail when they get close to it, while stars are massive, luminous spheres of plasma that emit light and heat through nuclear fusion. Comets are often seen as objects that travel through space in a distinctive manner, while stars are stable sources of light that form the basis of galaxies and solar systems.

Does child support stop when the child moves out of home?

Not automatically, and not in states where it extends beyond the age of majority. There are no laws that require the obligee parent to spend the money on the child. See related links below.

What is limiting expenditure within one budget?

It means to spend according to what you earn and not to spend beyond that.