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Most do not cover these because they were not in any way responsible for them.

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Acts of God are deemed as natural occurrences beyond human control, making them unpredictable and typically excluded from warranty coverage. Lightning damage falls under this category because it is considered an external force that the manufacturer cannot be held responsible for. Warranty terms often specify that they cover defects in materials or workmanship rather than unexpected events like natural disasters.

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Did any Mormon temples get struck by lightning?

Yes, there have been instances where Mormon temples have been struck by lightning. However, these occurrences are rare and typically do not cause significant damage to the structure. Temples are equipped with lightning rods and other protective measures to minimize the impact of lightning strikes.

What is the Power of Lightning?

The power of lightning refers to the intense electrical energy discharged during a lightning strike. Lightning can reach temperatures hotter than the surface of the sun and can cause significant damage to structures and living organisms.

Do trains get hit by lightning?

Yes, trains can get hit by lightning. However, trains are equipped with lightning protection systems, such as lightning rods and conductive materials, to help dissipate the electrical charge and prevent serious damage or injury to passengers and crew.

How many lightning strikes in India?

India experiences nearly 20 million lightning strikes per year, making it one of the most lightning-prone countries in the world. These strikes can cause significant damage and fatalities, especially during the monsoon season.

How did lightning rod improve people lives?

The lightning rod (USA), lightning conductor (UK) is a metal rod that is placed on the top of tall buildings. A metal cable or strap connects the conductor to another metal rod sunk deep into the earth. The principle is that should lightning strike the building, it is attracted to the conductor and travels down the cable to be dissipated safely into the earth - so saving the building from lightning damage. Wooden building used to burn down under stikes from lightening. The lighten rod (Ben Franklin) gives the electricity a easy path to the ground instead of a heat-producing path through wood.

Related questions

What are the benefits and risks of used car warranties?

The benefits are that they often cover many more repair types than new car warranties. However, they often carry high deductibles and may only cover a portion of the repair costs.

How many damage is caused by lightning each year?

On average, lightning causes around $900 million in damage each year in the United States. This includes damage to buildings, forests, and infrastructure.

How does lightning affect people?

Lightning can affect people in many ways, such as losing friends, family, houses, furniture etc. Lightning kills many people every year around the world and 74% of people that get hit by lightning have permanent damage for the rest of their life.

What types of damage or events are included under catastrophic insurance coverage?

Catastrophic insurance coverage includes many damage or events caused by both natural disasters or other accidental damage to your home. Damage by events such as flooding, lightning, wind damage, and other weather events are generally covered. Some catastrophic insurance coverage policies also cover damage done by fire, but check with your insurance company to be sure.

Do aftermarket car warranties usually cover transmission problems?

They will usually cover transmissions if you choose a plan that covers the drive train. You do need to ready the fine print as many have a limit they will pay for any repairs.

Did any Mormon temples get struck by lightning?

Yes, there have been instances where Mormon temples have been struck by lightning. However, these occurrences are rare and typically do not cause significant damage to the structure. Temples are equipped with lightning rods and other protective measures to minimize the impact of lightning strikes.

Where can auto warranties be found?

Auto warranties can be found through auto warranty companies. There are many companies that offer auto warranties, such as The Auto Warranty Agency, and MBPI.

Why do you think the Empire State Building is struck so many times?

If you mean why is it struck by lightning... I'm pretty sure it is because it has a lightning rod on top which catches and grounds the lightning safely without doing any damage to the building

What is the Power of Lightning?

The power of lightning refers to the intense electrical energy discharged during a lightning strike. Lightning can reach temperatures hotter than the surface of the sun and can cause significant damage to structures and living organisms.

How many people die from lightning every year in the U.S?

Lightning kills approximately 45 people each year in the United States, and hundreds are injured. Some survivors suffer from neurological damage afterward.

Where might one compare auto warranties?

One might compare auto warranties in many different places. For example, one might compare auto warranties in a newspaper ad, in a magazine ad, or even on the internet.

What should I avoid when buying discount tires?

Walking into a tire store is often very confusing for those of us who buy tires quite seldom. Many people don't care about tires at all. They just try to buy any of them in order to get at the wheel of their vehicles as soon as possible. However, there is a saying of a famous tire manufacturer Michelin: “So much is riding on your tires”. That's really truthful. Cheap tires can damage a great car and, vice versa, great tires can do wonderful for a very shabby vehicle. There are a few things to avoid when shopping for discount tires. One thing is to avoid no name tires, tires that you have never heard of. Also, avoid tires that have poor warranties. You should look for tires that have replacement warranties such as road damage and vandalisim warranties. Several tires come with lifetime warranties that include everything but sidewall damage.