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When magma solidifies before reaching Earth's surface it is called intrusive igneous rock, plutonic rock, a pluton. Igneous rock is formed from crystallization of molten magma.

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Intrusive igneous rock.

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igneous rock

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Q: Magma that solidifies before reaching the earth's surface is called?
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What is magma called after it hits the air and turns solid?

When magma cools and solidifies after reaching the Earth's surface, it is called igneous rock.

What is rock called that solidifies from lava on the surface?

It is called extrusive igneous rock.

What is a geological event in which magma does not form lava?

A plutonic geological event involves the formation of magma beneath the Earth's surface that cools and solidifies before reaching the surface. This process results in the formation of intrusive igneous rocks like granite and gabbro.

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The precipitation that evaporates before reaching the ground is called virga. This occurs when rain or snow evaporates in a dry layer of air before reaching the surface, often seen as streaks or wisps hanging below clouds.

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Rain that evaporates before it hits the ground is called virga. It appears as streaks or wisps of precipitation in the sky but dissipates before reaching the surface due to evaporation.

What is magma called when it reaches the earth's surface?

Magma that reaches the Earth's surface is known as lava.

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"Male cows" castrated before reaching sexual maturity are called steers.

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The term for rain that evaporates before reaching the ground is "virga." This phenomenon occurs when rain falls from clouds but evaporates due to dry air in the lower atmosphere, preventing it from reaching the surface.

What is precipitation which does not reach the ground called?

Precipitation that evaporates before reaching the ground is called virga. It appears as wispy streaks or shafts of precipitation falling from the cloud but not reaching the surface. Virga is a common occurrence in arid regions where the lower atmosphere is dry.

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The design on galvanized metal is called a spangle pattern. This pattern is created during the galvanization process when the zinc coating solidifies on the surface of the metal.

When magma solidifies far belows earth's surface they form what?

When magma solidifies far below Earth's surface, it forms intrusive igneous rocks, such as granite or diorite. These rocks have large mineral crystals due to the slow cooling process underground.

What are structures that form when magma solidifies beneath earth's surface called?

Those structures are called intrusive igneous rocks or plutonic rocks. They form when magma cools and solidifies below the Earth's surface, resulting in large crystal sizes due to slower cooling rates compared to extrusive igneous rocks. Examples include granite, diorite, and gabbro.