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floods,mudslides,and drought and also changes in upwelling.

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4w ago

Three disasters that may occur when El Niño changes the weather patterns include increased flooding due to heavy rainfall in some regions, droughts and water scarcity in other regions, and more frequent and intense tropical cyclones or hurricanes.

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Q: List three disasters that may occur when El Nino changes the weather patterns?
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a shift in air pressure, which can bring in different weather conditions. This shift can be influenced by factors like temperature changes, wind patterns, and atmospheric disturbances. Rapid changes in weather often occur as these factors interact and lead to changes in the local weather.

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What is troposphere activity?

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What Are Changes That Occur In Nature?

Some common changes that occur in nature include the changing of seasons, the growth and decay of living organisms, shifts in weather patterns, and geological processes such as erosion and volcanic eruptions. These changes are part of the natural cycles that shape our environment.

When do most weather changes occur?

Weather changes can occur at any time, but they are most common during transitional seasons like spring and fall when warm and cold air masses clash. Weather changes can also happen in response to approaching weather systems such as cold fronts, warm fronts, and low-pressure systems.

Why does most weather occur?

weather changes occur in a slow process. weathering breaks down rocks into smaller pieces.

Why is it important to understand that changes occur in patterns?

it is important because every thing has to occur step by step