

Best Answer
  • Tomatoes
  • Pineapple
  • Peanuts
  • Green Peppers
  • Sweet Peas
  • Green beans
  • Chili Peppers
  • Eggplant
  • Oranges
  • (all legumes, for example old world "broad beans")
Many others are wind-pollinated, and almost no crops on earth depend purely on honeybees, most are more efficiently pollinated by some other insect or creature.
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1mo ago

Some examples of self-pollinated crop plants are wheat, rice, soybeans, and peas. These plants are able to pollinate themselves without the need for external agents like wind or insects.

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Q: List of self pollinated crop plant?
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Why hybrids are not successful in self pollinated crops?

In self pollinated crops, hybrid vigour is not just like the cross pollinated crop e.g maize.cross pollination in self pollinated crop produce low seed set and cost of hybrid seed increases.less cytoplasmic male sterility and fertility restorer gene in mostly self pollinated crop.

Is sesame a self pollinated or cross pollinated crop?

Sesame is primarily a self-pollinated crop, as it has perfect flowers that contain both male and female reproductive organs. However, some cross-pollination may occur due to wind or insects.

Why is corn a cross pollinated crop?

Because when corn self-pollinates over a few generations it becomes an inbred, and loses vigor, size, and overall plant health. So to keep the plants healthy they need to be either hybrids or open-pollinated so that most of the silks get pollinated by a different plant.

Are all self pollinated plants are self fertilized plant?

No, all self-pollinated plants are not necessarily self-fertilized. Self-pollination refers to the transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of the same flower or a different flower on the same plant, while self-fertilization involves the fusion of sperm and egg cells from the same plant. Some self-pollinated plants can still receive pollen from other plants and undergo outcrossing, leading to genetic diversity.

Can cilantro be self pollinated?

Cilantro is a self-fertile plant, which means it has the ability to self-pollinate. However, it is primarily wind-pollinated, so cross-pollination can also occur with the help of insects.

What happens when most cross-pollinated crops are self-pollinated for several generations?

you'd get a uniform genetic composition for good or bad. you can get a uniform crop or you may get inbreeding problems

How did silverweed adapt to its habitat?

•spreads rapidly •perennial plant •Silverweed flowers are insect pollinated as well as self-pollinated as they are hermaphrodite

When a plant receives pollen from within the same flower what is it said to be?

It is called self-pollination.

Is a sampaguita self or cross pollinated?

self pollinated

Which plant organ mature first in self pollinated plants the male or female?


Which insect pollinates a pea plant?

Pea plant is self pollinated ---- Not necessarily true: my bees like peas and beans.

How do the sunflowers become pollinated?

they are self-pollinated!!