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Liquid water is transformed in vapors (gas).

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Q: Liquid water from wet clothes evaporates what does this mean?
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When a puddle evaporates does that mean the water reaches 100 degrees?

No, water can evaporate at any temperature, not just at 100 degrees. Evaporation occurs when water molecules gain enough energy to break free from the surface of the liquid and enter the air as vapor.

Why does water evaporate quicker than diesel?

This depends on whether you mean evaporates due to heat or its volatility. if you mean due to heat, then obviously water, as the forces holding the molecules together are much stronger in hydrocarbons compared to standard water molecules.

What does condensation mean?

Condensation is the process of a substance changing from a gas to a liquid. E.g when you get water on the inside of a window. The window has water vapour on it. The the cold rain hits the warmer surface of the window which has water vapour on. When water vapour is cooled it turns into water (a liquid. The water will then start to drip down on the inside of the window because the water vapour which was on the inside of the window has been cooled. And then turned in to a liquid! Condensation is what the clouds are called The water evaporates into the sky on a sunny day and becomes clouds in the sky the changing of a gas into a liquid.

Which evaporates faster soda juice or water?

Soda evaporates faster than juice or water due to its higher concentration of volatile compounds such as carbon dioxide and flavoring agents. Juice contains sugars and other non-volatile components that can slow down the evaporation process, while water evaporates the slowest as it is a pure substance without added compounds.

How the water cycle takes place?

First water evaporates or and turns the liquid into gas (water vapor)and forms as clouds in the sky. then after a while the water vapor condenses and turns back to a liquid causing perspiration. When the water falls on the ground it either turns into run-off or Ground water. Run-off are rivers, and ground water is the water collecting underground and then traveling to a lake or pond. Then the water evaporates from the lake and the cycle starts over again.

Related questions

What does evaoration mean?

isn't it when the water evaporatesisn't it when the water evaporates

What is mean by volatile fluid?

What does Volatile mean: A volatile liquid evaporates faster because of it's low boiling point.

What is the of liquid in water?

If you mean 'What is the liquid in water?' then the answer is WATER (H2O).

What happens to liquid water when it is heated?

When water is heated it begins to vaporize into the air as steam. If the water is allowed to boil for a while, it will totally evaporate into the air.

What does condenser mean?

Condensation is the process of a substance changing from a gas to a liquid. E.g when you get water on the inside of a window. The window has water vapour on it. The the cold rain hits the warmer surface of the window which has water vapour on. When water vapour is cooled it turns into water (a liquid. The water will then start to drip down on the inside of the window because the water vapour which was on the inside of the window has been cooled. And then turned in to a liquid! Condensation is what the clouds are called The water evaporates into the sky on a sunny day and becomes clouds in the sky the changing of a gas into a liquid.

Does ambercrombie clothes stretch in cold water?

I believe you mean " Do abercrombie clothes stretch in cold water."

When a puddle evaporates does that mean the water reaches 100 degrees?

No, water can evaporate at any temperature, not just at 100 degrees. Evaporation occurs when water molecules gain enough energy to break free from the surface of the liquid and enter the air as vapor.

What liquid is good for you?

I don't know what you mean by liquid but water is a good liquid for you.

What does liquid mean in the water cycle?

Liquid describes state of matter. It exists as water in water cycle.

Why does water evaporate quicker than diesel?

This depends on whether you mean evaporates due to heat or its volatility. if you mean due to heat, then obviously water, as the forces holding the molecules together are much stronger in hydrocarbons compared to standard water molecules.

What does condensation mean?

Condensation is the process of a substance changing from a gas to a liquid. E.g when you get water on the inside of a window. The window has water vapour on it. The the cold rain hits the warmer surface of the window which has water vapour on. When water vapour is cooled it turns into water (a liquid. The water will then start to drip down on the inside of the window because the water vapour which was on the inside of the window has been cooled. And then turned in to a liquid! Condensation is what the clouds are called The water evaporates into the sky on a sunny day and becomes clouds in the sky the changing of a gas into a liquid.

How do you remove rubbing alcohol from clothes?

When speaking of rubbing alcolhol, I mean Isopropyl Alcohol. You really shouldn't have to remove it, because it evaporates, leaving little or no mark behind!