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The so called Umayyad King, Yazid came to power. With his evil intentions he wanted to destroy Islam. He began to turn right to false and false to right. Slowly he was turning the Islamic laws into false due to the fact he was in power. Yazid sent his messanger to Imam Hussain (grandson of prophet Muhammed) in Medina to pay pledge/kneel to Yazid. But Imam Hussain refused.

THEN, the grandson of Prophet Muhammed stood against him. And at dessert of Karbala with 3 days hunger and thirst Imam Hussain gave his life for the right path and did not surrender or kneel to Yazid.

according ro shia Muslims Imam Hussain S.A. the pious grandson of prophet Muhammad PBUH is the 3th leader of Muslims selected by God to lead Muslims after prophet.

by military of Yazid they could not drink water from the Forat river.

Imam Husain S.A and all his supporters (including a Christian supporter of Imam) were killed, including Husain's six months old infant son, and the women and children were taken as prisoners.

Imam Hussain S.A. said the version of Islam made by Yazid is a fake Islam and said "with Yazid bye to Islam" and I want to save the real Islam for future humans by my blood.

the Battle of Karbala cause Iranians think and understand there are two different versions of Islam: Islam of Imam Hussain S.A. and Islam of Yazid and this caused majority of Iranians accept shia Islam and convert from sunni Islam to shia Islam after Battle of Karbala.

he was aware of being killed if go to Karbala because he received many warnings from Caliph before.

he said: I moved to save religion of my grandfather Muhamamd PBUH.

Yazid was corrupted King and did many sin publicly and scholars justified him. he had pool of wine and raped women and many sins all in the name of Islam and real Islam was being destroyed.

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The Battle of Karbala took place in the year 61 AH (After Hijra) in Islamic calendar. It occurred on the 10th of Muharram, 680 AD.

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