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Q: Is you-238 a long lived radio active isotope?
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How much of a radio active parent isotope remains after one half life has pass?

Half the original amount.

What is a radioactive is isotope?

an isotope that is radioactive

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What is radio-chemicals?

Radiochemicals are chemical compounds containing a radioactive isotope.

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When was Radio Active - Pat Travers album - created?

Radio Active - Pat Travers album - was created in 1981.

What are the release dates for Radio Active - 1994 VG?

Radio Active - 1994 VG was released on: USA: 1994

When was A Whole Nother Radio Active Thang created?

A Whole Nother Radio Active Thang was created in 1976.

What does radiometric dating tell us about the earth's crust?

Radiometric or Radio-active decay dating involves looking at certain radio-active isotopes in the rocks of the earth, such as potassium and argon. Certain Isotopes have a half life and decay into another isotope after a certain amount of years. Geochemists use these types of dating to determine the age of rocks and how long the crust has been forming and moving.

What is isotope and radio isotope?

Isotopes are atoms of the same element with the same number of protons but different number of neutrons. Radioisotopes are isotopes that are unstable and undergo radioactive decay, emitting radiation in the process. They are commonly used in medicine, industry, and research.

What is a Radioactive Parent?

A radioactive parent is a radioactive isotope that undergoes radioactive decay to form a different element. The original radioactive isotope is called the parent, and the new element formed after decay is called the daughter.

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