Yes, the nouns for the months are abstract nouns as words for a specific time periods. Any noun for time is an abstract noun, time is a concept.
The abstract noun for beginning or source is "origin."
The word 'trusting' is the present participle of the verb 'to trust'; the present participle of the verb is a gerund (verbal noun), an abstract noun, and an adjective. The words trust, trusting, trustiness, and trustability are abstract nouns.
The noun appraisal is the abstract noun, a word for a process.
The abstract noun for absent is absence.
Yes, the compound noun 'medical treatment' and the noun 'treatment' are abstract noun, words for a concept.
The noun 'judge' is a concrete noun, a word for a person.The noun forms of the verb to judge are Judgement and the gerund, judging, abstract nouns as words for concepts.
The noun 'hate' is an abstract noun, a word for intense or passionate dislike; a word for an emotion.A related abstract noun is hatred.The abstract noun form of the verb to 'hate' is the gerund, hating.The concrete noun form of the verb to 'hate' is hater, a word for a person.
Yes, the plural noun 'answers' is an abstract noun, a word for a concept. The words that comprise an answer are concrete nouns but the fact that the words are an answer is an idea.
The noun lie is an abstract noun. Words can be physical, a concrete noun, either spoken (heard) or written (seen), but the truth or untruth of the words is a concept.
The abstract noun is integrity, a word for a quality.
Yes, the nouns for the months are abstract nouns as words for a specific time periods. Any noun for time is an abstract noun, time is a concept.
The noun chaos is an abstract noun as a word for a state or condition.
The noun 'hour', a word for sixty minutes, is an abstract noun.All words for time are abstract nouns, time is a concept.
The abstract noun for beginning or source is "origin."
The abstract noun is swiftness. All of the others are words for things you can see or touch.
The abstract noun is question.There is no concrete noun in the sentence. The words 'you' and 'something' are both pronouns, words that take the place of nouns.