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Perhaps the question was to be something like: "What is happening when a sound wave bounces off an object and returns in the direction from which it came?"

Answer: The sound is echoing.

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This is known as an echo. It occurs when sound waves reflect off a surface and return to the listener's ears, creating a distinct repetition of the original sound.

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Q: Is when a sound wave bounces off an object and returns in the direction from which it came?
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What is it called When a wave bounces of an object?

When a wave bounces off an object, it is called reflection. Reflection occurs when a wave encounters a boundary and changes direction, maintaining its energy and frequency.

A sound that is repeated because the sound wave reflected or bounced back from a distant object?

An echo is a sound wave that is reflected or bounced back from a distant object, causing a repeated sound effect. This phenomenon occurs when the original sound wave reaches the object, bounces off it, and returns to the listener's ears after a delay. The distance of the object and the surrounding environment can affect the intensity and timing of the echo.

Can Echoes occur underwater If so how?

Yes, echoes can occur underwater. When a sound wave hits an object, such as the seabed or a submerged object, the sound wave bounces off and returns to the source, creating an echo. The depth and composition of the water, as well as the frequency of the sound wave, can affect the strength and clarity of the echo.

How is sound waves used to measure distance underwater?

Sound waves are used in underwater distance measurement through a process called sonar (Sound Navigation and Ranging). An initial sound pulse is sent, which bounces off an object underwater and returns to the source. By measuring the time it takes for the sound pulse to return, the distance to the object can be calculated based on the speed of sound in water.

Why are orchestral shells shaped like a dome?

Because of acoustics-- when a sound hits a flat surface, it bounces off. If that surface is curved one direction, sound will travel that direction. If sound resonates to a dome surface bent outward to the audience, naturally the sound will move the direction that the dome is facing when the sound bounces off of the surface. <3 Luv Clo

Echo is an example of?

A sound that bounces off of an object that allows other sounds to resonate.

What is an echo also why is it weaker than the original sound?

An echo is the reflection of sound waves off surfaces. It is weaker than the original sound because some of the sound energy is absorbed by the surfaces it bounces off, losing intensity with each reflection.

What is a reflected sound?

A reflected sound is a sound wave that bounces off a surface and returns to the listener's ear. These reflections can create echoes or reverberations in an environment, affecting the overall sound quality and perception.

The use of sound waves by some bats to navigate and find food is called what?

Bats send out sound waves which bounce off of solid and liquid materials. They then locate the where the sound wave came from and can determine where the object is and what the object is. This form of navigation is called echolocation.

What happens when light or sound is bounced off an object?

When light is bounced off an object, it can be reflected, absorbed, or transmitted depending on the properties of the object's surface. When sound is bounced off an object, it creates an echo as the sound waves reflect off the surface and return to the source, resulting in a repeated or delayed sound.

Are bats able to see with sound?

They don't actually "see" using sound, but yes, they use a sonar-like ability called echolocation to determine distance from objects. They emit ultrasonic sound that only they can hear. When the sound hits an object such, it bounces back and the bat can determine the distance and direction to the object. Also, contrary to popular belief, bats are not blind. They have eyes and limited vision. They primarily use their vision to travel long distances.

What is the definition of echolocation?

it's when the animal makes a high pitched sound and if it bounces back quickly, the object is close and vice versa