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Solids, apart from the atmosphere, of course. It's also possible there is a liquid

metal core.

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Q: Is venus made of solids or gases?
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Are stars made of solids liquids or gases?

Stars are primarily composed of gases, especially hydrogen and helium. These gases undergo nuclear fusion in their cores, converting hydrogen into helium and releasing energy in the process. While stars do have some solid and liquid materials in their composition, they make up a very small percentage compared to the gases.

Is Jupiter composed mostly of solids or gases?

Jupiter is mainly made out of gases.

Which planets are made of rocks and gases?

it is venus

What made the poisonous gases on Venus?

The gasses of Venus are primarily volcanic emissions.

What are the gases on Venus' surface made of?

The gases on the surface of Venus are made of carbon monoxide and sulfur gas clouds that swirl togeher and make an extremely poisonous gas.

Does venus have a solid surface or a surface made o f gases?

Venus has a solid rocky surface.

Do gases have the same dissolving rules like solid?

Gases dissolve in liquids based on Henry's law, which states that the solubility of a gas in a liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of that gas above the liquid. This is different from the dissolution of solids in liquids, which is typically governed by factors like temperature, pressure, and the nature of the solute and solvent.

What are similarities between solids and gases?

Solids, liquids, and gases are all made up of protons, neutrons, and ions. They also all go through changes when heated or cooled.

What is made up of particles?

Matter. Everything. Gases,Liquids,Solids and Plasmas.

Are stars mode mostly of solids liquids or gases?

None. They are made of plasma.

How are green house gases made?

Gases are made when you heat up solids or liquids. Liquids are made when you cool down gases or heat up solids. Solids are made when you cool down gases or solids. When you heat up solids they make liquids and when you heat up liquids it makes gases. When you heat up gases it makes plasma (plas-mu) but that is very very very very very very hard to make.

Which planets have poisonous gases?

Venus and Jupiter are known to have atmospheres with poisonous gases. Venus's atmosphere is mostly made up of carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide, while Jupiter's atmosphere contains ammonia and methane, among other toxic gases.