

Is vastly approaching correct

Updated: 12/18/2022
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Q: Is vastly approaching correct
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Is it correct to say is fast approaching?

*Approaching quickly*

Is it correct to say fast approaching?

I don't think so. Better to say "swiftly approaching", or "quickly approaching."

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Is it correct to say approaching fast?

Yes, it is correct to say "approaching fast." This phrase is commonly used to describe something that is getting closer or nearing quickly. It can be used in various contexts, such as when referring to a person, an event, a deadline, or a vehicle approaching rapidly.

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The correct spelling is "coming." "Coming" is the present participle of the verb "come," used to indicate that someone or something is arriving or approaching.

Is fast approaching appropriate wording?

You can say "fast approaching" sometimes. For example: Winter is fast approaching. There is a fast approaching car on the racetrack. It was fast approaching the time to go home.

How do you used vastly in a sentence?

Vastly means largely, hugely, wide, or something that is huge in size or quantity, such as--> Our army is vastly larger than our opponents. Can also mean the degree of difference between two things, such as--> My idea of right and wrong is vastly different than your idea of right and wrong.

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If this question made any sense at all and was written in something approaching correct English, I might have a fighting chance of answering it!

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This is likely one of these words: COMMON (adjective) - usual, average, ordinary COMING (verb form) - approaching, attending

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