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No, it only becomes dangerously radioactive after irradiation, due to some of the fission products formed. New fuel elements can safely be handled without shielding. You wouldn't handle uranium directly because you might pick up small particles and ingest them, but when it is fitted into the sealed cladding it is not dangerous.

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15y ago
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3mo ago

Yes, uranium glass contains trace amounts of uranium which gives it its characteristic green hue under ultraviolet light. While the radioactivity levels in uranium glass are generally considered to be very low and safe for everyday use, it is still recommended to handle these items with caution and avoid prolonged exposure.

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14y ago

Check out It tells of varying levels of radiation detected, and explains how the further one gets from the glass piece, the greater surface area of the body that is exposed. It explains how some food and/ or drink can cause radiation to leach out, especially acidic fluids. (Remember drinking OJ in those milkglass or jadite glasses at Grandmas?) Geiger counters can detect the radiation , there is a recording of the radioactive sound emitted from a highly collectible vintage Fiesta ware pitcher shown. Uranium was used in many types of glass formulations and pottery glazes. Other websites and books will confirm that some glass contains as much as 25% uranium, some maybe only 2%. A battery operated black light is NOT a fail safe way to detect the uranium content.As of Dec. 31, 2009, my research shows that it is indeed possibly dangerous!


I maintain my opinion that uranium glass is not dangerous for human health - external irradiation or ingestion of some leached uranium from the glass are without importance.

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14y ago

Uranium glass contain of course uranium but generally the concentration is low. Uranium glass is radioactive but the irradiation is not dangerous, practically without significance. It is not a catastrophe, but don't drink from uranium glasses.

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15y ago

The uranium in the glass will be radioactive, since nothing can stop its natural decay. Uranium emits alpha particles, and has a very long halflife. However unless you are involved in making the glass and so in contact with an appreciable amount of the material, it is not something to be concerned about. Alpha particles have a short range and so will mostly be stopped in the glass. Anyone handling uranium for manufacturing purposes though should take health physics advice.

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14y ago

Yes, uranium 238 is a radioactive isotope of uranium.

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13y ago

Yes, some very beautiful artifacts from glass contain a low concentration of uranium - to obtain a pleasant green color.

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7y ago

No, it is a naturally occurring radioactive element.

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13y ago

Yes, uranium is radioactive in all forms.

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7y ago

No. It's naturally occurring.

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