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Pamela McGlynn

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Q: Is trail mix a heterogeneous
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Is trail mix heterogeneous or homogenous?

Trail mix is a heterogeneous mixture. I hope it helps ❤❤

Is trail mix heterogeneous or homogeneous mixture?

Trail-mix is a heterogeneous mixture: It contains visually different solid materials.

Is trail mix heterogeneous?

Yes it is.

Is a trail mix homogeneous?

No. Trail mix is a heterogeneous mixture. A homogeneous mixture has a uniform appearance.

Which of these categories would trail mix be placed in?

Trail mix would typically be placed in the "snacks" or "food" category.

Is trail-mix a element compound homogeneous or heterogeneous mixture?

Trail mix is a heterogeneous mixture, as it contains a variety of components such as nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and sometimes chocolate or candies that can be physically distinguished from one another.

Would trail mix be a solution?

Trail mix could be a solution for a quick and portable snack option that combines different ingredients like nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and sometimes chocolate. It can provide a good mix of nutrients such as protein and healthy fats, but the calorie content can vary depending on the ingredients, so portion control is key.

What are three types of heterogeneous?

Three types of heterogeneous mixtures are salad, trail mix, and granola.

Is trail mix a homgeneous mixture?

I think it's heterogeneous. In my chemistry book it says: "Heterogeneous mixtures composed of liquids and solids are often separated by filtration. The mixture is poured through a piece of paper, which lets the liquid part pass through but catches the solid." Homogeneous cannot be separated by filtration. ie. salty seawater.

Is trail mix a homogeneous or heterogeneous mixture?

Trail-mix is a heterogeneous mixture: It contains visually different solid materials.

Is trail mix a homogeous mixture?

No, trail mix is not a homogeneous mixture. It is a heterogeneous mixture because it contains different components like nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and sometimes chocolates that can be easily distinguished from one another.

Is trail mix a chemical change?

No, trail mix is a physical mixture of different ingredients such as nuts, seeds, and dried fruits. Mixing these ingredients together does not produce a new substance through a chemical change.