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1w ago

No, elements combine to form compounds in both nonliving substances and organisms through chemical reactions. In organisms, these compounds play essential roles in various biological processes.

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Q: Is this true Elements combine to form compounds in nonliving substances but not in organisms?
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What are the two type of substances?

Elements and compounds

What is a name for elements and compounds?

Elements and compounds are pure substances. They also can be molecules.

Are minerals organic or inorganic elements?

Minerals are inorganic elements. They are naturally occurring, solid substances with a defined chemical composition and crystal structure. Organic compounds, on the other hand, are compounds that contain carbon-hydrogen bonds and are typically associated with living organisms.

What ten letter word for elements and compounds?

"Chemicals" is a ten-letter word that can refer to elements and compounds.

What can pure substances be classified as?

Pure substances are divided into elements and compounds.

What 2 catogories of substances include pure substances?

elements and compounds

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Are sodium and francium elements or compounds?

Sodium and francium are elements. Elements are substances that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means, whereas compounds are substances composed of two or more elements chemically bonded together.

Why are elements and compounds considered as substances?

Elements and compounds are considered substances because they have distinct chemical properties and compositions. Elements are pure substances made up of only one type of atom, while compounds are composed of two or more different types of atoms chemically bonded together. Both elements and compounds have specific physical and chemical characteristics that distinguish them from mixtures.

Are all the substances in the periodic table elements?

Yes! All of the 'substances' are elements. However elements can join together to make compounds.

What is the term used for living material?

The term used for living material is "biological" or "biotic".

Do compounds make up non-living things?

Of course! Compounds are simply defined as substances formed by the chemical union of 2 or more different elements, like salt, NaCl. It happens that living things have many compounds made with Carbon, but nonliving things still must be made of compounds too!