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It's a response to the visual stimulus.

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3w ago

This is a response, specifically a reflexive response known as salivation. The sight or smell of food triggers the brain to send signals to the salivary glands, causing the mouth to water in preparation for eating.

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Q: Is this a stimulus or response your mouth watering at the sight of food on a plate?
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Is your mouth watering at the sight of food on a plate a stimulus or a response?

It's a response to the visual stimulus.

What is an example of a stimulus?

Hitting the skin with a needle or pin is an example of stimulus and the sudden removing of the hand or jumping away is the response. When we hold a hot plate of pie Mommy cooked with love, we all of a sudden fling our hand away from it. Holding the plate here is a stimulus and the removal of hand is the response. && Bang! You jump because the sound startled you. You jumping is the response to the stimulus. Or touching a hot plate your response is you pull your finger back. a gazelle seeing a lion so it runs its raining so you get an umbrella its snowing so you get a jacket a dog is hot so it goes under the shade

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growth hormone

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yeah from the plate to my mouth

What hormone is the most important stimulus of epiphyseal plate activity?

The growth hormone is the most important stimulus of epiphyseal plate activity, as it is responsible for stimulating the growth of bones during childhood and adolescence. It acts on the epiphyseal plates to promote bone growth and elongation.

What supports the cortical plate in the human mouth?

The cortical plate in the human mouth is a flat structure or layer of a thin dental bone. It is supported by the alveolar bone.

What would be the response to the hand touching a hot plate?


What is the bony plate between the mouth and nose?

Hard palate.

Bony plate between the mouth and nose?

hard palate

Does dionne warwick wear dentures?

yep. She has a barrell mouth style upper plate and kitten cat bottom plate.

Where is the palate located?

The palate is located just inside of the mouth. It is comprised of a thin plate of bone from the skull, which creates the "roof" of the mouth.

Forms the roof of the mouth?

the palatine process of the maxilla and horizontal plate of palatine bone.