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There is no Nibiru, therefore there is no water on Nibiru.

Believers in the Nibiru myth differ widely in beliefs about what Nibiru actually is. The founder of the myth, Nancy Lieder, claimed Nibiru to be a terrestrial planet about four times Earth's size. However, since its founding, Nibiru has become figure in several religious cults, all of which say something different about its identity. Claims of Nibiru's identity range from dwarf planet to supergiant star. Some say it's the variable star V838 Monocerotus, while others even claim it's mistaken for one of the planets in our own system (mainly Neptune, Eris, and Sedna). Since no one that believes in Nibiru can seem to agree with other supporters of the myth as to what they actually believe in, whether or not Nibiru is supposed to have water is subject to individual imagination.

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3mo ago

There is no scientific evidence to support the existence of Nibiru, so it is not possible to determine if there is water on the hypothetical planet. Nibiru is a part of several conspiracy theories and has not been observed or confirmed by astronomers.

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