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Mount Rainier was discovered by the Meso-Indian people of the Narfal Islands in their second exploration of the pacific northwest (assumed to have been around 200 AD). The initial belief, according to the cuniform of this tribe, is that Mount Rainier was nonexistent before 150 AD, causing geological historians to infer that massive geothermal events allowed Mount Rainier into existence. The mythological aspect to the mountain is that deep beneath the surface, lies a tunnel/staircase with conditions suitable to humans leading to the center of the earth. This Meso-Indian assumption has neither been proven nor disproven, but recently, a series of mini-earthquakes have led scientists to believe that there very well could be some sort of cave or even "tunnel" toward the center of the mountain.

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1mo ago

One myth surrounding Mount Rainier is that it is an active volcano. However, Mount Rainier is actually an active stratovolcano that last erupted in the 19th century. The volcano is closely monitored by the United States Geological Survey for any potential eruption threats.

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Is there some myths for Mount Rainier?


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The address of the Mount Rainier Branch is: 3409 Rhode Island Ave., Mount Rainier, 20712 2073

What is the phone number of the Mount Rainier Branch in Mount Rainier?

The phone number of the Mount Rainier Branch is: 301-864-8937.

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There is no mayor of Mount Rainier. It is a volcano, not a town.

Is mount Rainier a hotspot?

No. Mount Rainier is near a subduction zone.

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Some mountains taller than Mount Rainier include Mount Saint Elias in Alaska, Mount Foraker in Alaska, Denali (Mount McKinley) in Alaska, and Mount Logan in Canada.

What type of cone does Mount Rainier have?

Mount Rainier has built a composite cone.

Is Mount Rainier a composite volcano?

Yes. Mount Rainier is a composite volcano.

When was Mount Rainier Wilderness created?

Mount Rainier Wilderness was created in 1988.

How many meters tall is Mount Rainier?

Mount Rainier's elevation is 4,393 meters.

Which volcanoes are similar to Mount Rainier?

Some volcanoes similar to Mount Rainier in terms of being stratovolcanoes and having the potential for lahars are Mount Hood in Oregon and Mount Shasta in California. Both of these volcanoes are located in the Cascade Range like Mount Rainier and have a history of producing explosive eruptions.

What is the approximate number of people living near Mount Rainier?

About 1,0000 people live near mount rainier some people even work near it.