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Q: Is there more water inside or outside body cells?
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Does cells goes inside your body or outside your body?

Your whole body, inside and outside, is made of cells.

What process occurs when you place a fresh water fish in salt water?

Besides interfering with oxygen transfer on its' gills the salt water will cause the cells of the fish to retain fluid making the pressure within the cells greater than the pressure outside the cells. Ideally the water a fish swims in will keep its' body in homeostasis where the pressure both inside and outside the cells of the body is equal.

Where is the extracellular fluid found in the body?

Extracellular is outside cells and intracellular is inside, so that extracellular fluid would not be inside cells.

Extracellular fluid is found everywhere in the body EXCEPT?

Extracellular fluid is found everywhere in the body except inside cells. It includes fluid found in blood vessels, tissues, and between cells.

Are cells inside or outside your body?

Cells are the building blocks of all living organisms and are found both inside and outside our bodies. The cells inside our body make up tissues, organs, and organ systems, while those outside our body include skin cells, hair cells, and other surface cells.

Where in the body does osmosis take place?

Osmosis primarily occurs in cells and tissues throughout the body, where water moves across semipermeable membranes to balance concentrations of solutes. This process is crucial for maintaining the proper water balance inside and outside of cells.

2 major fluid compartments of the body?

The two major fluid compartments in the body are the intracellular fluid, which is located inside cells, and the extracellular fluid, which includes the fluid found outside of cells in the interstitial spaces and blood plasma.

What mineral is the most common mineral found in the body outside of cells?


Where are cells in the world?

They are everywhere in the world like inside your body, outside of your body, plants, animals, air ..... everything in the world is cell

Is water a electrolite?

Yes, water is not an electrolyte. Electrolytes are minerals that carry an electric charge and are found in fluids inside and outside of cells in the body. Water, on the other hand, is a neutral substance that does not carry an electric charge on its own.

How is drinking water processed in the body?

Drinking water is very simply processed once inside of the human body. Drinking water is absorbed into the cells of the body.

What substance in the kidney depend on conditions inside and outside of the body?

The concentration of salts, water, and waste products such as urea within the kidney depend on conditions both inside and outside of the body. The kidneys regulate the balance of these substances to maintain overall body homeostasis.