Yes, Laser weapons exist and most are highly classified. The ones you see on the military channel are simplistic. Rail cannons are also believed to be in production.
The US has refrained from using nuclear weapons due to the catastrophic human and environmental consequences associated with their use. Additionally, the world community, including the US, has generally upheld international agreements and norms that seek to prevent the use of nuclear weapons.
Classified information that is not disclosed to the public.
because in goal, wherein we have to think always about our goal that can make us strong to make our research succes so it can also classified
It is going to be very difficult to find any information on the US testing chemical weapons on US soldiers during World War II (2). The best thing to do to find more info is to find World War II survivors and interview them.
There are two main types of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapons: nuclear and non-nuclear. Nuclear EMP weapons, also known as High Altitude Nuclear Explosion (HANE), are created by detonating a nuclear warhead in the atmosphere. Non-nuclear EMP weapons use high-power microwaves to generate pulses that can disable electronics.
no, but they did help the US work on the Manhattan Project, so they had the classified data on how to build them.
In the US, for civilians, it is a Class III firearm that requires registration with the Federal government. Miniguns are classified weapons
Yes it is the classified one
Most US weapons of any kind are made in the US.
Weapons, dangerous objects, collectables, history, Middle Ages relics......... This question isn't very clear.....
buy all the weapons in that certain category
To unlock all the Call of Duty Black Ops weapons you must do numerous things. First, you have to rank up in order to purchase the weapons. Next, you must purchase the weapon with your COD points you gained in-game. There are some classified weapons that are available in the menus. To unlock that specific weapon for purchase, you must purchase all the weapons in that category in order to purchase that weapon. Example: There are 4 snipers and one is classified. Purchase all 3 snipers and the last one will be un-classified.
Both Russia and the United States possess strong nuclear arsenals with similar destructive capabilities. The exact strength of each country's nuclear weapons is classified, but they both have the ability to cause immense damage and are considered two of the most powerful nuclear states in the world.
US weren't effected by the Nuclear Weapons, They created it.
{| |- | I'm sure the number is in the ten's of thousands. The exact number probably remains highly classified. Many of the weapons have been destroyed, but more than enough remain to devastate life on Earth as we know it. |}
Felons are prohibited any and all firearms. Other weapons are subject to normal laws; however, they may be imposed with restrictions on certain types and other equipment.Added; Included in the above - is the fact that (under US Federal Law) felons are denied possession of black powder weapons which are classified as firearms under both US Code Title 18, and under the FFL.
The United States Government can be classified as a mixed Government.